Build 259 UI Changes Feedback Thread

It’s a thumbs up from me, thank you.

I know it takes time to get used to fundamental changes but I never liked the splash screen that came up with the playing options, always felt clunky.


I’m very pleased with the “play” change - I always hated the second “splash” screen, where you wound up having to click 2-3 times just to get a track to play. Thanks for the change!


I second that!

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“The old way wasn’t non destructive” Precisely, you could still destroy the queue, it just took two clicks. Now it’s just more conform what you would expect.

“I would prefer some option to make the default my most used choice (for me this add to queue) and then only use the down arrow if I want to do something different.”

Cue next as default option yes please, but automatically changing? Please no. Just give us an option in prefs and everyone is sorted.


Yes, please implement this soon. Otherwise the UI experience regarding playback control is as crappy as in iTunes, where i‘ve accidentally destroyed my queue many times.


I like the new play button in functionality, but it is too easy to destroy my queue. If the functionality of the two button parts is swapped, there is a larger touch surface for the options part, reducing accidental queue changes and still offers single click play.

after you click the play album button and destroy the que, undo button timeout is not long enough maybe that could be changed in the future

however when I click previous track button, the tracks in the que become available one by one with every click

so I guess it is not a complete que destruction ,

For me this loss is quite a pain in the jacksie. @mike I hope this can be refined.


My asking what?

The fact that roon was the only software around that gave me the peace of mind of knowing that my currently playing queue was safe and, even if I clicked the “Play” button by mistake I had a safety net that prevented it from destroying the queue was the main reason I became a roon lifetimer. From that you can see how frustrated I get with every other software whenever I destroy my playing queue.

I know I’m probably in the minority here, but I would so very welcome if we could have the old option back. (notice the emphasis on option, so everyone keeps happy). I feel very much at loss now, in regards to roon usage and I do agree with others that the Undo feature as is, is not really usable (too discreet, too fast to disappear and very much generating of an “oh crap, oh crap, oh crap!” moment while you try to race you finger to tap it as soon as you realise what you’ve done).

That said, I’m confident the Roonies will find a way to get us queuers happy as well. (Hopefully fast… please?)


Very angry customer here.

The best feature of ROON has disappeared. I’m referring to the full screen UI that let me decide whether to PLAY NOW, PLAY NEXT etc.

This was the reason I subscribed to Roon. No more accidentally erasing my playlist when I really wanted to add because it was a nice BIG screen where you couldn’t ‘fat-finger’ it. You’ve replaced this with some ugly tiny menu… what the heck for?


The joy of playing music and the biggest reason for using Roon is gone. Please revert this change (or add an option for the old functionality) immediately.


Old big screen was wonderful. The new one is embarrassing.
Now roon seems a very normal player, nothing special.
Let us have the possibility to choose.
I hope as soon as possible you will recognize this new method is a very very bad thing.


So many users, so many preferences, it is nearly impossible to get things right. Personally, I liked the old style better. It looks also a bit like a slicer in Excel (sorry).

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I didn’t think I was going to like it. But, after a day I think it is a much better design, now I realize how much I disliked the big paw. For a UI with a real intuitive and slick design the “paw” (for me) looked and felt very old-fashioned and BIG. I do of course realize that not every change will be popular, and I am sure being able to set the Default Action for the Play would be a step forward (but please don’t go back).

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I too have accidentally been deleting queues. Just give us some options and better method to recover a lost queue.

I think the new play menu is a great improvement. I couldn’t stand all of those clicks to get music playing. I have two recommendations:

  1. There should be two “Play Now” buttons: “Play Now (Add)” and “Play Now (Replace)”
  2. Let us choose a default action for the play menu, including at least both “Play” buttons and “Add to Queue”. One thing is for sure, there is no one menu configuration that will please everyone, so allowing us to choose our own default action would be very helpful.

If you enable the old way of doing things, please make that optional. I wouldn’t want to go back.

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There is now an Undo temporary button which has rescued me from an unintended queue kill

I’m traveling and can only play around with it over VPN, but I like what I’m seeing so far.

If you insist on only one behaviour for something so contentious, perhaps. But with configuration, totally possible!