Build 94 HQ Player connection problems [SOLVED]

Crap…just had a freeze while playing DSD64 going to DSD128 with the Auralic Vega (via a NAA)…but it made it 7 tracks on a album I couldn’t get through 2 tracks without a freeze on build94. This is still with HQplayer 3.12, however. Maybe when Jussi has 3.13 ready all problems will be solved. Working much better, regardless.

Switched to HQplayer 3.13.0beta2. Same conditions…made it about 6 tracks of DSD64 to DSD128 and playback stopped again mid track. Basically the same problem as with built94…but doesn’t seem to happen as quickly. The build99 also seems to be much more robust to freezing because of rapid changes of direction or tracks, however. As I mentioned before I can play DSD64 to 128 in hqplayer all day long without a freeze with the same files. Sounds great, regardless.


Can you describe what exactly happens when it freezes, and what you need to do to recover from it?

Cross-posting from CA forum as I am not sure if this is Roon or Hqplayer issue.
I just got the 3.13.0beta2 and also upgraded to 99 build of Roon. When I try to play DSD64 from Roon and set HQplayer to do PCM, there is no sound and the time moves almost at double the rate. DSD->PCM works fine when used with HQplayer directly.

My setup: Roon (DSD64)->Hqplayer (PCM 384K)->NAA->Hugo TT

Same results for HQplayer 3.13.0beta2 on both Mac (Yosemite) and Windows 10. DSD64 or DSD64->DSD128 through Hqplayer works fine with Roon.

Is there a setting in Roon or Hqplayer I am missing?

Since DSD playing from Roon with DSD output in HQPlayer is working fine, we know that Roon is transmitting the DSD stream to HQPlayer correctly.

HQPlayer uses a different input path for data from Roon than it does when loading from files–there is no way to simulate this input mechanism without using Roon, so what happens when playing files directly isn’t a conclusive experiment.

I know that originally, this input path did not support DSD->PCM conversion, and that @jussi_laako is working on implementing this feature in HQPlayer 3.13. You might be running into a bug or some incompleteness in the new HQPlayer version. I suggest that you pursue this further with him.

Thanks. I will wait for Jussi’s response on DSD->PCM.

I continue to have the problem reported by @zorntel DSD play back stops mid-track after playing a few tracks. Previously I think it would only stop while moving to a different track. I recently switched from iFi iDSD Micro to Hugo TT. The iFi supported direct DSD while Hugo requires DoP. I do not recall having any breaks in playback with iFi iDSD. Could DoP mode somehow be causing this issue? In your testing have you used both direct DSD and DoP?

I have tested both, but the majority of my testing has used DoP (upsampling to DSD128) with an iFi DAC, including more than a few continuous overnight playback sessions that were still ticking in the morning. Perhaps there’s a bad interaction going on with the Hugo DAC in particular?

It’s worth noting: there is no difference on Roon’s side between DoP and Native DSD when streaming through HQPlayer. The same stream is passed to HQPlayer either way, and it’s up to HQPlayer to either speak to the driver natively, or perform DoP packing and send PCM to the driver.

Makes sense. Looks like it may be a driver issue on Mac. I switched to a Windows 7 PC as a NAA and I am currently using Asio Hugo TT’s ASIO drivers in DoP and so far no hiccups/drops or stalls. Will have to play some more and will report if the issue reappears. Thanks for the excellent support and hard work. The amount of progress in the last two months has already validated that the life-time subscription was the right choice.

I’m using an NAA limited to 64 DSD. HQP converting everything to DSD 64.

RoonServer is on an W10 machine. But I just tried a DSD playlist of various tracks from different albums and successfully jumped from one to the other without issue.

Previously I setup a playlist of tracks mixed DSD, and PCM - both Redbook and hi-res; so far no problems.

So Brian, you guys are definitely getting there with build 99.

No issues playing PCM converted to DSD256 with Win 10 Pro 64. Playing an album with native DSD playback results in stops after several tracks. Selecting volume reset gets things working again. It just might be an issue with the MSB Technology driver for the Analog DAC.

Good catch KMan…I was using my Auralic vega last night when I was having problems. That requires DoP even though I use a Linux NAA in between the mac and the DAC…the files start on the mac and won’t play unless I activate DoP.

I’m going to test things on my ifi micro idsd now…that doesn’t require DoP with the mac to linux NAA workflow…which I don’t reallly understand…guess I need to take that up with Jussi. Will report back…but given what Brian reports it might be ok.

If Roon/HQplayer DoP fails and non-DoP is ok, and files play fine from HQplayer either via DoP or not, then the problem is something about the way that HQplayer is receiving files from roon interacting with whether HQplayer output is DoP or not. Certainly weird…but I’m sure Jussi can figure it out. I’m sure he has a DAC that requires DoP.


Kman…what Computer Audiophile thread are you posting to?

The HQplayer thread on CA forum.

Roon / HQP is working wonderfully on my side. Tried breaking it as well, but just keeps on coasting. Seems the HQP connectivity issues from v88 and v94 are all gone!

Great job guys, big KUDOS!! Thanks!

Thanks…just posted to that one. Hopefully Jussi can figure it out. I also can’t do DSD to PCM either through roon or directly in the hqplayer interface. So it appears there are two problems…DSD with DoP and DSD to PCM.


No dice…regular freezes with the IFI micro iDSD running DSD64 to DSD256 (no DoP) too. Looks like the DSD playback issues are more or less the same for me than with build 94. We’ll see what Jussi can come up with.

Still several dropout per song, but…

If I run Activity Monitor in the background, dropouts decreases drastically to maybe one per hour.

Weird but easy to test. Network services going into sleep mode?
Anyone with similar experience?

Roon 1.1 build 99
HQP 3.13b2 (redbook to PCM, no filtering, no upsampling)
MacBook Pro i7 2.5 GHz/16GB/OSX 10.11.2

HPQ v3.10
Mac Mini i7 2.0 GHz/4GB/OSX 10.11.1

Brian…I always feel bad when I hound you with problems…just want to say how much all of us appreciate what you have down to work with Jussi to get HQ player going in Roon. I’m running high resolution PCM to both of my systems (one upsampling to DSD128 and the other going to DSD256) at the same time right now…they are both working flawlessly and sound tremendous! Just have to work out the native DSD file problems and then we will be all the way…I have 800 or so DSD albums so I’m certainly interested in getting them to work…but I’ve got a whole lot of PCM to listen to in the mean time…and Tidal…just streamed an album upsampling to DXD…sounded phenomenal!

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3 posts were split to a new topic: Build 99; HQP stopping and shrieking

Congrats and thanks from me! I spent 2 hours listening last night and only had one lock up which needed an HQP restart. Fwd/back buttons worked perfectly. I used Latest versions all round.