By-track, by-album or output device DSP settings

I agree. And it would create a synergy with there core market advantage: a deep native database. For example, you could decide all pop releases from the 80’s get a bass correction curve applied, or all releases from a given label get a special treatment. Layering more than one correction is also not a problem - the current DSP tools in Roon already allow for this.

BUMP AGAIN!!! I realize this feature request is not trivial, but I expect the Roon guys to do magic. Ok?

Also VOTE BABY VOTE (at the top of the topic)…


As someone who lists to a lot of early recordings, I use various parametric EQ settings frequently to with certain tracks to improve the sound balance.

It would be nice to have the ability to associate EQ presets with specific tracks so that they are applied automatically and don’t have to be manual enabled and selected every time a given track is played.

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Also, the EQ you’re applying for the track presumably is the same regardless of the endpoint - otherwise you’d have to save a large amount of presets and enable them on each endpoint you’re playing to when you play that track to that endpoint. Nightmarish.

Please vote at the top of this thread.

I’m new’ish to Roon, but starting to peruse the feature requests…and find this one worthy of one of my limited votes. Great idea…and one I would utilize.

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Please vote at the top if you haven’t.


I did! Hopefully this is something that can be worked eventually.

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Thats it. No reply from Roon… a bad service for a costly App. I will use JRiver again and cancel my Roon suscription.

Bumping this… Maybe Harman will listen?



I was writing a new topic with the exact same request (per-album or per-track DSP settings) when I was refered to this one as similar by the website.

As a recent Roon adopter, I have been quite appaled to discover that the first formal request for this new feature dates back to 2018, was second by many other users since then, but has raised zero attention from the Roon staff (even to simply comment on the technical feasability with no engagement at all).
What’s the point offering a “Feedback / Feature suggestion” discussion forum if no one at Roon bothers to care about users feedback?!
This discovery gives me serious reasons to start looking for another competing solution (JRiver?)

I believe I started that request. It never got acknowledged by the Roon team.

But even simpler requests have been ignored. Examples:

And what is possibly a trivial feature to add (but to me very valuable):

What can I say… They finally got bought out so I guess their strategy paid off?

We will just have to see what Product development & features are undertaken in 2024 under the new ownership, as to whether Roon is going to be advanced and if so what direction or just exists largely ‘as is’ and just subject to maintenance releases.

Us, with a lifetime subscription are unlikely to go anywhere else.
It will be whether the Monthly subscribers and whether they are happy to continue with Roon without any further.major enhancements to the offering.

So time will tell.

It largely depends on WHY Harman bought out Roon. According to Enno Vandermeer, they will be a parallel company to others under the “lifestyle” umbrella. However, Harman is not a content company and very much doubt that’s what they bought Roon for.

I think Harman sees value in the integration of RAAT they have amassed over the years. This doesn’t bode well with what we here as customers want as I very much doubt that user-focused music playback features will have even the slightest of priorities.

We shall see but I have already embarked in looking into and using other methods. My main go-to right now is dCS Mosaic + UPnP files served by Minimserver. We shall see. It does sound slightly better than RAAT over the network.

With my Naim NDS Network player using a SonoreUPnP Bridge, it only sees a UPnP stream, rather than native RAAT. Plus i can always fall back my Asset UPnP server which runs on a lightweight DietPi on a RPi2 (no WiFi, no GigaBit LAN, etc).

However I would be quite happy with Roon, as is today.

Yes, I have a bunch of Feature Requests in & voted for, none of them could be deemed show stoppers.

The Roon Labs team read every Feature Suggestion post. Deciding where to devote development and subsequent support resources and prioritising them is a different matter, and it’s quite simply impossible to cater for every request.


This is simply conjecture on your part.
Roon do not acknowledge any feature requests publicly or make statements regarding which if any they may be working on implementing or considering for implementation.
But rest assured they are NOT ignored, Roon staff do look at all feature requests and suggestions.

Please refrain from making statements as though they are factual when one does not have all of the facts to hand.


I am making statements based on what I have seen. And I keep the right to speculate. The feature requests might have not been “ignored” in the strict sense of the word, but the fact of the matter is I don’t know of any small feature requests that have been honored. The one sole exception would be Roon ARC.

Well, they finally added support for lyrics tags. There’s another one!

Well, maybe you read them, but the subsequent astounding silence about them on this board does not speak in favor of what “Community Management” is usually refered to nowadays.

Nobody asked Roon to immediately implement requests, we are no fools and know what a features backlog and constraint development resources are (I have been CTO of a tech company myself…). Users just expect
a) Some acknowledgment (“We heard you and understand the request”),
b) A perspective that would leave them in a non-dangling state during several YEARS (“We will / will not consider it because …”),
c) If the suggestion is retained, a rough and non-binding estimate of the duration until it become available in a new release.

