Bye Roon, why I am not renewing my subscription

6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Prog and Proud!

I am sure others will agree but once I found out how to adjust the storage, what albums and songs go where, my complaints about metadata are inconsequential.

Pleased to report that I love Roon and will be sticking with it.


Not sure how much people have invested in their systems. For many of us stereophile / audiophiles the cost of the lifetime subscription to Roon was a very very small fraction compared to the time and money we have already spent on in our passion for music.

Personally speaking the lifetime subscription was an absolute no brainer!


Definitely Robert, Roon is a lovely product, I don’t disagree. But I think the point is, Roon could be so much better with a little lateral thinking, flexibility, bug fixing and refinement. It’s frustrating to see it crashing forward in so many areas of hardware integration and yet so many rough edges remain, including the OP regarding data handling and sourcing.

Let’s not rehash the same talking points…

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I thought you said you were letting it go ? :slight_smile:

I just can’t Ged, haha. It’s like a scab, gotta keep on picking.


Nothing wrong with highlighting unfinished work. How can it be to the detriment of anyone concerned?

Yes, there is something wrong with rehashing the same points over and over and over. Look, Robert Baird posted something in a thread that he should have left alone. And you, right on cue, took the opportunity to gripe some more.

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And I disagree with you on that. Just ignore my posts or report me or block me or somesuch, but I won’t be told by a fellow customer when to stop pestering my supplier for better product thanks.


At the very least, these points become relevant and refreshed after a release that doesn’t address them. IMHO, whether they are relevant when repeated in between such junctures is a matter of opinion, and reasonable minds may differ.

It’s just frustrating that while Roon has clearly made strides in a number of pretty amazing areas, some of the WTF stuff that was there over 2 years ago is just still there (or not there, as the case may be).

Take a look at how the culture has changed over the past 2 years on this forum. There used to be a lot of enthusiastic posts about cool things that Roon could do. That seems to have mostly dried up - feature requests and suggestions nowadays are more about font size, footer color, and tracking Tidal versions lost to the library (not to diminish those requests). As I see it, that’s because forum posters used to believe they could make a positive difference in the development of Roon. There was a spirit here.


Or on the glass half full side users, such as I, are happy with roon radio and still exploring the music it throws up so can’t be bothered grinding out the same old tropes. Each to their own…


Roon’s absolutely great, and absolutely light-years ahead of manufacturer, stand-alone control apps. Even Lumin’s.

What is everyone gripping about, especially when Roon only costs a few hundred quid!? It’s a true bargain, IMO.


It’s more capable, and a LOT more expensive, than the other products in the market. That creates expectations.

And IMO, those expectations have been met.
Otherwise I wouldn’t have paid for lifetime membership a couple of months ago.


You’re entirely entitled to that opinion. I wouldn’t be paying for it if I did not find it the best for what it does. That doesn’t mean it couldn’t do more, or that there aren’t a number of pretty obvious places that could use polish, finish, completion, fixing, etc.

EDIT: here is my concern: Roon decides they’ve captured the market of music curators and determines to focus entirely on more mainstream aspects of the market or in some other direction, while leaving the potential of their curating features in the ether for an extended period. Curators never get to really accomplish what is almost within reach with a little more development.

I’ve come to Roon recently. It has many great features, but the search is rubbish. I couldn’t believe how hard it was to find stuff. I’ve got used to it a bit, and can work round some of the issues, but the search still isn’t anywhere near good enough. So that’s what I’m griping about, and I’m perfectly entitled to.

@Martin_Kelly @Speed_Racer

There are so many areas where the implementation is lax, lacking or downright crippling:

  • Export of files with the wrong attribution of album art
  • Export of files without a log to find out which files may have failed in the export
  • Export of files with … in the album name will not work
  • Identifying albums presents you with a list of albums which obscures the original album info so you can’t even compare
  • General implentation of AND functionality
  • Almost impossible to use editing of albums tracks and such
  • Very convoluted and difficult implementation of genre editing and assignation; which is odd, as the genres attributed to albums and artists are pretty hopeless for the most part.
  • The broken (never has worked) Focus on Similar feature (because of broken genre assignation)
  • Lack of a simple toggle DSP on or off
  • The ability to attribute half stars to album ratings but no way to filter to that level
  • Ongoing problems with boxsets and classical albums handling generally
  • The ability to stop showing the forced upon us reviews and/or allow us to put our own comment instead

That’s just from quick memory (and my memory ain’t great) and stuff which Roon, to my knowledge have either known about and failed to correct FOR YEARS or completely ignore calls for correction/improvement FOR YEARS.

Ill continue to gripe about these basic issues and more for as long as I can be bothered to, certainly for many years to come.

These little things which don’t matter to most and matter to some, all add up to a big problem for Roon, ultimately. ie fFewer and fewer devoted fans, more and more unrest in these pages and many more clients seeking other solutions, either casually or actively, competition actively trawling here and seeing what’s not being solved or developed by Roon and seizing opportunities to better them in key areas.

@James_I sums it up well here:

Oh and whilst you’re here… this is also a problem, again completely unacknowledged by Roon officially, ironically as it highlights a problem Roon has fundamentally wrt customer service and responding, haha:

Thanks for your understanding in this matter.

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Personally, I think you’re asking way, way too much and seem ‘confused’ about the function of Roon?
Roon isn’t a metadata editor, nor a file ‘exporter’.
It’s a music player. Just what is it exactly you want? (That’s a rhetorical question, by the way…!)

Hey Martin question for you: do you have a sizable local collection? Do you collect different versions of the same album title? Do you make it a point to get every last release by a band? I mean, locally, not streaming.