Cambridge EVO 150 not visible in Roon Audio output options (ref#J967P9)

What’s happening?

After bringing the server home to work on music library and return it to the lake it no longer sees the lakehouse Cambridge EVO 150 amp at the Lakehouse. The work I completed at home was to attach an external network drive with 107K tracks. Roon software displays music collection fine and plays to mini Mac and screen monitor output device. No issues there. Just missing the EVO as an output device.

How can we help?

· Help me determine if the issue is with Roon software or with the Cambridge EVO.

Other options

· Other

Describe the issue

Cambridge EVO 150 no longer shows up in Roon Audio output device options. It used to show up before I added the Network drive with my music collection. Even after disconnecting the drive and restarting Roon and the mini Mac, the EVO still does not show up. The network light on EVO indicates its connected to the network; Mini Mac network status says connected. Room does recognize both the mini Mac internal built in speaker and the monitor speaker as output devices and works through these. Just no connection to the EVO. The server is directly connected to my network via an unmanaged switch. The EVO is connected to the same switch. The switch is connected to the Ethernet plug on the wall. I have restarted the router, I have switched out cables, both with no success. Lastly, of interest, the EVO said Roon ready just before I turned on the mini Mac, but this message is no longer on the EVO screen.

Describe your network setup

Asus network ethernet direct connect to server, unmanaged switch from wall source split to Cambridge and Mini Mac server. All green lights on switch are on. The mini Mac connects to the internet just fine via Ethernet connection. I'm at home again and return this weekend to the Lake. Lastly, if this helps, It just occurred to me that I determined that the Mini Mac did have internet access, but there's also a wifi source. So I cant confirm if the Roon system is running via wifi or Ethernet. Again, all network cables are plugged in, and all indicate green lights. I wonder if the "Roon ready" screen disappeared from the EVO that tells me that the EVO does not see the network. When I unplug the network cables from both mini Mac and EVO both indicate Ethernet disconnected.

Are you using macOS 15.x Sequoia? There were many reports about device discovery issues on the Roon forum up to 15.2, which required fiddling with the network permissions.

However, there have now been reports that this might be fixed in Apple’s new update to 15.3, as released yesterday. It seems that macOS after the update now finally shows a message, asking you to grant network access permissions to Roon. Approve this and hopefully it should be fine.

Let us know if this doesn’t help, so that the forum hive mind gets some more information on whether 15.3 really fixes it or not.

If it does not help, or if you don’t want to upgrade macOS right now, try going to the macOS Settings > Privacy and Security > Local Network. There should be two toggles for Roon and Roon Server. They must be enabled and most likely already are, but nevertheless toggle them off and then back on again. Maybe this helps already. If not, try rebooting the Mac. This normally helps, but might have to be repeated if you update Roon or reboot the Mac. (Hopefully the 15.3 update should fix all this)

Thanks for reaching out to ask us about this issue. I can see from our records that your server is running Sequoia. Like @Suedkiez said there is an issue where the permissions for Roon under Local Network settings need to be toggled off and then on again to be able to see network devices in Roon. Please try that and let us know if it works for you!

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Thank you to Daniel and Suedkiez for the reply. I am back at the lakehouse this weekend and look forward to trying this to see if it works. Stay tuned.



Since some time has passed, we wanted to check in and see if you were able to sort things out?

We’ll be on standby for your results. :raised_hands:

Hello Benjamin. I just returned from the lake a few hours ago and am pleased to inform you that the toggling network setting worked. So, that’s excellent news. I appreciate your following up with me. Please note I did respond to your email however I see it bounced back because it is a no reply.

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