Can I listen to ROON just through Laptop's & Mobile's built-in speaker/headphone?

Hi Beka,

First of all thanks again for your help!

I disable both the built-in Windows firewall and antivirus of my PC and have it reboot. And try to use my PC as the Core to play music with my Tidal account login. The favorites and records in Tidal does show up in the Roon. But it displays fails when I tried to play them with screen shot attached (PC core). I cannot find and and play any local stored music in my PC though I have specified the music folder in the setting. I can only play radio in the ROON. When I use my Android phone to play ROON, same result came up. Tidal music shows fails when I tried to play. And no local stored music in PC can be shown.

If I use NAS as the core, stored musics are shown as well as those in Tidal. But I cannot play them with sound.

Hi Rebeka,

I have replied in the forum. And I am sending you the screen shots for your reference by email here since I cannot upload pics in the forum.

Please give me at least 1-2 months extension to compensate given the issues can be solved. It is to be fair since I cannot use ROON at all in past and ZERO support from you guys.

Thanks, Charles

PS It seems I cannot send you the screen shots by email now…

Hi @Charles_Chan,

Thank you for getting back in touch. In checking your system diagnostics it looks like you have a few competing issues here that are negatively impacting your Roon experience.

1: You’re using a severely underspeced NAS as your Roon Server. The QNAP 251 does not meet the minimum system requirements and will not support Roon Server as detailed in our NAS documentation:

2: Your PC looks like it has been setup as both Roon Core and Roon Remote. The PC would support “all-in-one” Roon Core.

  • First update the PC to the latest version of Roon Settings>About>Remote>Get latest version
  • In Roon go to Settings > General and choose Disconnect for the NAS
  • Choose This PC as the Core
  • Then you can add your music on the NAS as a watched folder in Roon (Settings>Storage)
  1. Your TIDAL account seems to be a free subscription. Free TIDAL accounts will not work with 3rd party apps.

Please try the steps for issue 2, to move your Core to your PC and let us know if that helps.