Cannot configure Roon arc

Roon Server Machine

Intel NUC11 Rock

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Tp link axe5400 6e router
No vpn

Connected Audio Devices

Number of Tracks in Library

Description of Issue

I cannot configure Roon arc.

UPNP does seem to be working ok, I can see the Roon arc on my router upnp page with correct port and ip assigned.

Tried changing port, and turning upnp on and off again - same issue each time - the Roon cannot setup the arc but the router can see the rock/roon.

In Roon I get the below error:

“ipv4_connectivity”: {“status”:“NetworkError”,“status_code”:504,“error”:“error: Error: ETIMEDOUT, response code: undefined, body: undefined connected? undefined”},
“external_ip”: {“actual_external_ip”:“188.ddd.eee.fff”,“actual_external_ipv6”:“null”,“router_external_ip”:“”},
“status”: “status”: MultipleNatFound
“natpmp_autoconfig”: {“server_ip”:“”,“found_natpmp”:true},
“upnp_autoconfig”: {“server_ip”:“”,“found_upnp”:true}

Any tips?

Thanks :pray:t3:

This is the relevant error. UPnP is indeed working or it would not even get there.

Do you have only the TP Link router that you mentioned, or is there another one, possibly an internet “modem” from your ISP?

If you only have the one router, what is your ISP?

I’m with Hyperoptic which is a fibre to the premises provider. There’s a small fibre to Ethernet converter but it has no branding and I don’t believe it would be classed a modem as such. That’s all we have in terms of equipment.

It is quite possible that the premises provider already uses NAT (Network Address Translation, to map its external internet address to the individual connected apartments). Then your own router will also have NAT to map its external address to the individual devices on your network. And then you’d have “MultipleNatFound”.

How accessible is the administrative management of your premises provider? Can they put a port forwarding rule in their router which forwards the Roon ARC port number to your router? I guess it might work then.

I honestly wouldn’t know how to go about that or what to ask them to do. Is that the only way to resolve the error? What exactly would I need to ask them to do? I’d probably just end up talking to some call centre person who wouldn’t know how to do anything but query a bill :disappointed:

I’m not sure I understood your setup correctly, I thought there is a dedicated “premises” provider? I envisioned something like a gated community (or a university dormitory) with its own internal network and a common local provider to the larger internet.

In which case I thought it may be possible to simply talk to them. (And that might have been not too difficult because every online gamer with a PlayStation would be asking for the same thing. I.e. “Can you please create a port forward rule for port XXXXX to my router?”. With XXXXX being the port number that Roon tells you in Roon > Settings > Roon ARC)

My guess is that the provider is going into a router on the premesis that is sharing the feed with all the occupants. Then your TP Link Router is the second router, hence MultipleNAT.

If this is the case then you should contact whoever manages this initial premises router and ask about Port Forwarding instructions. It may not be the ISP at that point, but, the building management.

Not quite. I live in a high rise building. Hyperoptic (the isp) have run fibre cables to the front door of each apartment which supply up to 1gbps depending on your package you pay for.

It’s up to each apartment if they go with hyperoptic or another “normal” isp provider who run through the normal phone line (slower). I’m probably one of only a couple of users using it currently as it’s a new service in the last few months.

I have no visibility of the equipment they have running the building fibre network. There’s no presence on site for them so it would be phone support only, but I’d be unsure what I’d be actually asking them to do as I’m no networking expert and only came across this issue trying to get arc to work.

I do have a ps5 and it’s working totally fine online without having to do any of this port forwarding stuff.

Il try and contact hyperoptic and ask them for port forwarding details.

OK, essentially the same thing as a dormitory or a gated community in this sense.

The building people have a router to route the common traffic that they get on their external internet interface to the individual apartments that are using this service. This router is most likely using NAT, and so they have to create a port forward rule on their router that forwards the Roon ARC port number to you.

The outside ISP, Hyperoptic, probably has nothing to do with this.

Or ask the building people more generally about their advice to get port forwarding working for you, because you run a server appliance that you need to access from the internet. They won’t know Roon ARC, but they will know tenants running a NAS file storage that they want to access from the outside, or a PlayStation with online gaming access. They need the same thing.

You are massively overestimating the competency of my building management :joy: they will have just granted permission for Hyperoptic to install whatever they needed to in order to get tenants faster BB. It’s ok, il try Customer services tomorrow and see where I get to.

OK, maybe ask Hyperoptic, maybe they know what to do at your address, at least if they provided also some of the building’s connection, and not just the fiber up to the curb.

Hi @Punky_pj,

In the experience of Roon forum users, Hyperoptic appears to have implemented blanket carrier-grade network address translation (CG-NAT).

The good news is, many users have been able to circumvent Hyperoptic’s CG-NAT by requesting a dedicated external IPv4 address or static IPv4 address from Hyperoptic. If that’s not available, you can ask to be switched to IPv6 if offered.

Unfortunately, I think these services cost around an extra ÂŁ5 monthly :confused: .

CG-NAT doesn’t rule out the possibility that the management has an enterprise router somewhere, so I’d first ask the building if they’ve installed a central hub for Hyperoptic on site.

We’re here to support you. I recommend taking a glance at this thread: Attention: Hyperoptic UK Uses IPv6 and CG-NAT [Solved - Request Static IP] - #73 by Michael_Harris

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