Cannot log in to Roon. At all

I’ve just about had it up to here with Roon. I spend more time trying to get it to work than I do actually using it!!!

Apparently I’m already logged in, but it’s stuck.

I’ve been around the houses with it for the last hour, restarted everything multiple times & I could show you screenshots of pages I’ve never ever seen before!

Right now, I’m stuck on this:

I have no idea what to so about that. If I’m already signed in, just show me my f*cking music!!

If I take what appears to be the best option & click “go back” it takes me to a log in page. Which is about as much use as a chocolate tea pot, as I am apparently already logged in.

If I click “go back” again, it takes me to this:

So I have a server & it’s “ready”. Ready for what, I wonder, because it’s clearly not ready to access my music library.

If I click “connect” it takes me to this:

If I click “log in” it takes me to a web page that looks like this:

If I click on my name, it redirects me back to Roon app, where I get to watch the black animated Roon logo for about ten minutes, interspersed with the animated “waiting for server” logo…

It’s doing that now. I can guarantee that when it’s finished with what it’s doing, it’ll take me back to the “you’re already logged in” screen shown at the beginning of this thread.

I’m guessing of course, but that’s what it’s done five times in a row until now.

Can somebody please tell me how I’m supposed to troubleshoot this? It’s new one on me.


What happens after you unauthorize ‘Dels-MBP’?

I don’t know. I haven’t done that because that looks really scary. I was waiting someone from Roon to say that! :rofl:

What does that do?
What can I expect?
Will have to be reinstalling anything?
Will it mess up my library?

It does indeed sound dangerous, but I assume you have recent backups of your Roon database…?

This is from 2018:

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I do have back-ups & that looks pretty painless. But I would like someone from Roon to explain to me exactly what the hell is going on. Like, why does it keep asking me to sign in to something it thinks I’m already signed into.

Me no understand.

I don’t know. The only thing that I can think of is that the name of your Macbook was changed somehow.

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It simply instructs the Roon cloud licence management server to unauthorised your current core.
No more, no less.
Once done, you can sign in again, nother is lost.

And preempting you next question, “why?” …
I don’t really know but sometimes Roon gets confused and thinks you are attempting to sign into an addition core even though it’s the current authorised one.

PS I agree about the Roon’s wording … I’ve suggested they change it (as it been a cause of concern for others as well) but thus far no reaction from them.

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If you see the Uauthorize button, it means that Roon Labs thinks that you have a licensed Roon Server active, and you can’t start a second one with just the one license.

This is usually a glitch, so you can click the button - which should resolve it.

BTW, I removed your email address from that screenshot of yours - it’s not a good idea to post your email address on a public forum…


Yes, I saw. Thanks for doing that!

Okay, I clicked the unauthorised button & it immediately switched back to my normal library.

God knows what happened there, then. It’s never happened before but I’ll know next time.

The only thing that’s changed is that my profile picture has gone. There’s also a message about a metadata improver being paused.

That’s often related to a networking error, were Roon Server can’t communication with the cloud services.
I recommend, rebooting your router, followed by the Roon Server machine.

More details here …

PS thinking about it, this networking communication issue may have also triggered the previous issue.

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Reboot your computer and/or restart Roon Server, that will solve it.

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All rebooted, Roon adding music to library.

Thanks for talking me back off the ledge there, everyone.

So, the “metadata improver”. Is that the thing that causes me to constantly have to fight with Roon to have my stuff appear as I want it to? Maybe I should have left it paused. :rofl:

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You need to let it finish. But if it appears stuck, reboot your Roon server.

Out of interest, how do I actually reboot my Roon server? The only way I can figure it is to restart the computer.

Bottom right of screen on Windows. I assume MBP would be similiar.

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