Cannot properly Identify WAV music library

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

Mac Mini (Late 2012) running most recent Roon Server software

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

Squeezebox Touch with Enhanced Digital Output on Ethernet

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

Synthesis Titan A100 integrated amp with built in up-sampling (192/24) DAC connected by digital coaxial from Squeezebox

Description Of Issue
I just joined Roon yesterday. My music library is about 400 albums residing on the Mac Mini Core. They are in WAV format. I have been using Squeezeboxes for 14 years and Squeezebox was always able to list artist/album/etc. properly because I have a specific folder structure (Artist/Album/Filename) and Filename (Artist - Album - Track No. - Track Title) (using spaced dashes and complete info in each filename). When I import my WAV library to Roon, most, but not of all, of my albums are listed as “unknown artist” and the name of the album is Artist - Album, and Roon does not identify the album.

  1. I cannot fine a way to “code” Roon to read the filename or file structure to categorize my wave albums. Is there a way? I assume there is not.

  2. Is there software (OSX preferred, Windows OK) that can read the filename and add minimal WAV tags (maybe Artist/Album/Track) so that Roon can recognize my collection? Would WAV tags from third party software “stick” enough for Roon to read and recognize the album?

It’s a huge bummer I can’t import my WAV library in a useful way. I tried the “identify album” function but it is too much work for such a large collection and for some reason tracks are coming up out of order and the interface takes forever to move tracks.

The is some information here which may help. Roon uses tags, and WAV is notoriously bad for tags. I think you need to convert your albums to FLAC, and tag the files properly in the process, or at least embed the artist/track tags, using something like dbpoweramp. Or re-rip them, which may be quicker.

Hi @Daniel_Ingber,

I’d be happy to take a look at a specific example of an album that isn’t being identified properly so we can understand what’s happening here. To start, would you share some screenshots of what you see in Roon for one album along with some screenshots of the file tags?

As MJB notes, though, Roon does use file tags to help with identification and WAV files often don’t have the best tagging, so using a tool to convert them and apply tags may be helpful as well.

Historically wav files have not been well supported by music tagging software. But actually Wav supports ID3 tags just the same as Mp3, Aif and Dsf files.

You will get better results with roon if your files have tags, some roon customers have had very good results with my SongKong Music Tagger

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Thank you for your help!

When I try to identify the album this is what it looks like

Here is a screenshot of my library showing albums are “unknown artist”

Here is a screenshot of the file information.

I don’t think there are File Tags on these WAV files:

Thanks for the suggestion for SongKong! It tagged 11,400 songs in about an hour and Roon was able to identify every album except a couple odd balls. It wasn’t cheap (about $40) but it worked.


Thats great news Daniel

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