Cannot start subscription

Having same problem. Would certainly help if a phone contact was available on any of your web pages. Why do you make it so difficult to communicate? Several of my electronic communications have been labeled by you as unsendable. Why? Geo.

Hello @anon97132840, I’m sorry to hear you’re having
problems. I’m flagging @accounts for you who will be in touch as soon as this reaches the head of their queue.

In the meantime I have unlisted this thread as we do with all accounts related queries.

why did my reply disappear? Geo.

I moved it here. Best to keep separate problems separate.

Did you not get a notification to that effect? (A little blue circle over your avatar top right)

do you know a way to get help to have a function button on the start up page? only option I find is a return to sign in in an endless loop. Geo.

Try a reboot of everything.

Hello @anon97132840, I started a separate, unlisted thread, because you initially indicated you were having the same subscription problems as another user.

Is that not the case? If it is a problem on the start-up page then try @xxx’s suggestion, and if that fails perhaps a screenshot of what you are seeing would help.

Hi @anon97132840,

This is Rebeka with accounts - we’ve already had a chance to connect over email. Your subscription issues were just addressed over email.

Would you mind, as @BrianW has asked, to share a screenshot of your screen?

Thanks in advance,

PS: Thanks @BrianW for tagging accounts :smile: