Can't connect to roon server - infinite loop of roon logo

Hello @support!

My Setup:

Home-Network with HP Procurve Switch, CAT LAN-Cables, CAT 6a Patch-Panels, RJ45 Connectors
Server: Windows 7 64Bit, Running Roon-Server Version 100500339 1.5 (build 339) stable
Music is stored on a NAS, but not important at the Moment, because no Directorys implemented in roon Server
Clients: Windows 10 with lastest full Roon Installation
iPhone and iPad with latest app:

My Problem:

I cant connect to the Server with any Client, everywhere the same Problem. When I launch a roon Client, it shows me the available roon Server on the Windows 7 machine. I click connect and then the animated roon logo appears and stays there forever.
I had a perfect working roon Setup for months now. I changed Nothing from my side. Since today, I have this Problem.
I deinstalled the Server part and installed again - same problem
I deinstalled the Server part completely (with Settings and database) and installed again - same Problem
I deinstalled the Software on my Win 10 machine, reinstalled and tried to connect - same Problem

I have absolutely now idea what the Problem could be. I can reach the Server with remote Desktop, I can copy files over the Network, I can use my plex Server which is on the same Server. I also disabled the Windows Firewall and MS Security essentials on the Server - same Problem.

Here is the current log file from the Moment I closed roon on the client-PC (Win 10) and started it again:

09/09 11:50:01 Info: [stats] 954mb Virtual, 133mb Physical, 18mb Managed, 1483 Handles, 79 Threads
09/09 11:50:16 Info: [stats] 946mb Virtual, 133mb Physical, 18mb Managed, 1479 Handles, 77 Threads
09/09 11:50:31 Info: [stats] 978mb Virtual, 133mb Physical, 16mb Managed, 1487 Handles, 85 Threads
09/09 11:50:46 Info: [stats] 954mb Virtual, 133mb Physical, 16mb Managed, 1470 Handles, 79 Threads
09/09 11:50:53 Info: [brokerserver] Client disconnected:
09/09 11:50:53 Trace: [raatserver] [RaatServer CHRISTOPH @] lost client connection. Retrying
09/09 11:50:53 Trace: [raatserver] [RaatServer CHRISTOPH @] connecting (attempt 1)
09/09 11:50:53 Trace: [push] restarting connection (Von der Übertragungsverbindung können keine Daten gelesen werden: Ein Blockierungsvorgang wurde durch einen Aufruf von WSACancelBlockingCall unterbrochen.)
09/09 11:50:53 Trace: [push] retrying connection in 54876ms
09/09 11:51:01 Info: [stats] 962mb Virtual, 133mb Physical, 17mb Managed, 1472 Handles, 80 Threads
09/09 11:51:03 Trace: [raatserver] [RaatServer CHRISTOPH @] client connection failed. Retrying in 500ms
09/09 11:51:03 Trace: [raatserver] [RaatServer CHRISTOPH @] connecting (attempt 2)
09/09 11:51:04 Trace: Successful POST response from
09/09 11:51:04 Trace: [push] connecting to
09/09 11:51:04 Trace: [push] connected
09/09 11:51:10 Info: [brokerserver] Client connected:
09/09 11:51:10 Trace: [SOOD] Adding User IP
09/09 11:51:10 Trace: [raat] [sood] Refreshing device list
09/09 11:51:10 Trace: [raatserver] [sood] Refreshing device list
09/09 11:51:10 Trace: SENT NONFINAL DistributedBroker.ConnectResponse={ BrokerId=6eaeadab-b69a-4676-b551-cb79558ff5dc BrokerName='SERVER' }
09/09 11:51:10 Trace: SENT NONFINAL DistributedBroker.UpdatesChangedResponse={ IsSupported=True WasJustUpdated=False Status='UpToDate' HasChangeLog=False CurrentVersion={ MachineValue=100500339 DisplayValue='1.5 (build 339) stable' Branch='stable' } }
09/09 11:51:10 Trace: [push] restarting connection (Von der Übertragungsverbindung können keine Daten gelesen werden: Ein Blockierungsvorgang wurde durch einen Aufruf von WSACancelBlockingCall unterbrochen.)
09/09 11:51:10 Trace: [push] retrying connection in 2168ms
09/09 11:51:13 Trace: [raatserver] [RaatServer CHRISTOPH @] client connection failed. Retrying in 750ms
09/09 11:51:14 Trace: [raatserver] [RaatServer CHRISTOPH @] connecting (attempt 3)
09/09 11:51:14 Trace: [raatserver] [RaatServer CHRISTOPH @] connected
09/09 11:51:14 Trace: [rnet/RnetJsonClient] SENT {"request":"enumerate_devices","subscription_id":"0"}
09/09 11:51:14 Trace: [rnet/RnetJsonClient] GOT NONFINAL {"status": "Success", "devices": [{"device_id": "default", "type": "wasapi", "config": {"unique_id": "233a85f4-522d-d4a3-f615-a720227d0ff1", "volume": null, "external_config": {}, "output": {"type": "wasapi", "name": "System Output", "force_max_volume": true, "device": "default"}}, "name": "System Output", "is_system_output": true}, {"device_id": "{}.{05119898-f5e8-4503-bb98-593dc29a9f43}", "type": "wasapi", "name": "Realtek High Definition Audio"}, {"device_id": "{}.{15cdb5e7-f8b5-40bb-8a7e-f1989a602fff}", "type": "wasapi", "name": "Realtek High Definition Audio"}, {"device_id": "{}.{b6e7ce13-f08f-4d1e-b2e6-06c8b890c585}", "type": "wasapi", "name": "Realtek High Definition Audio"}, {"device_id": "{}.{c7eb3d94-9dce-4507-babd-f000b76ba07e}", "type": "wasapi", "name": "NVIDIA High Definition Audio"}]}
09/09 11:51:14 Info: [raatserver] GOT DEVICE 95e1765a-ced7-4c61-b117-3162a4ee7e64::default Type=wasapi Name=System Output 
09/09 11:51:14 Info: [raatserver] GOT DEVICE 95e1765a-ced7-4c61-b117-3162a4ee7e64::{}.{05119898-f5e8-4503-bb98-593dc29a9f43} Type=wasapi Name=Realtek High Definition Audio 
09/09 11:51:14 Info: [raatserver] GOT DEVICE 95e1765a-ced7-4c61-b117-3162a4ee7e64::{}.{15cdb5e7-f8b5-40bb-8a7e-f1989a602fff} Type=wasapi Name=Realtek High Definition Audio 
09/09 11:51:14 Info: [raatserver] GOT DEVICE 95e1765a-ced7-4c61-b117-3162a4ee7e64::{}.{b6e7ce13-f08f-4d1e-b2e6-06c8b890c585} Type=wasapi Name=Realtek High Definition Audio 
09/09 11:51:14 Info: [raatserver] GOT DEVICE 95e1765a-ced7-4c61-b117-3162a4ee7e64::{}.{c7eb3d94-9dce-4507-babd-f000b76ba07e} Type=wasapi Name=NVIDIA High Definition Audio 
09/09 11:51:16 Info: [stats] 994mb Virtual, 133mb Physical, 19mb Managed, 1541 Handles, 89 Threads
09/09 11:51:20 Trace: Successful POST response from
09/09 11:51:20 Trace: [push] connecting to
09/09 11:51:20 Trace: [push] connected
09/09 11:51:31 Info: [stats] 990mb Virtual, 133mb Physical, 18mb Managed, 1550 Handles, 88 Threads
09/09 11:51:46 Info: [stats] 974mb Virtual, 133mb Physical, 18mb Managed, 1539 Handles, 84 Threads

Firewall been turned on in an update? Was this working before 339?

Firewall is always on, so yes it was on during the updates. Can not tell if the problem is with 339. It was working a few days ago and cant remember doing a roon update the last days…

try the firewall off and see if that helps…then at least you will know…I suspect it will miraculously work again :stuck_out_tongue:

i also tried with firewall off when connecting (did not work too)
I will try to deinstall and reinstall with firewall off later. but I doubt this will help :frowning:

Hello @Christoph_Seemann,

Thanks for contacting support, I’d be happy to take a look at this issue with you. Since none of your Roon Remotes are able to connect, I suspect that this issue is Networking related. You mentioned the switch you are using but what make/model is your Router? I also just want to confirm, you are unable to connect from the iPhone/iPad as well, correct?

Do you by any chance have the option to enable “flow control” on your switch? We have had reports that this setting allows Roon Remotes to find the Core when it could not previously. Have you by any chance updated your Router or Switches’ firmware recently? Please let me know when possible and we can continue troubleshooting from there.


Hi Noris!

Thank you for your support. I already switched on Flow Control prior to your answer and suddenly all remotes (Win 10, iPhone and iPad) were able to connect again. I then switched it of again for testing and the remotes still were able to connect. So I can not say what is / was the problem exactly. I will leave flow control on, just to be sure.
I have not done a firmware upgrade on the switch for months now and did not have this connection problem in the past.
Just to fully answer your question: my router is a TP Link 1043 V1 with DD WRT firmware.


Hello @Christoph_Seemann,

Glad that it seems to be working now, it may have been something environmental from the description you have provided but yes, I would leave on flow control as a precautionary step. Rebooting the Core and all of your networking gear would be a useful data point to see if that resolves the issue if it occurs again.

I don’t think I asked this earlier but if your Windows 10 PC is on WiFi I would try connecting it via Ethernet to see if the same issue still occurs. The TP Link Router you have seems a bit outdated in the sense that it does not support AC (5Ghz channel) so that might have been a possible bottleneck as well.

We also have some more networking related information on our Knowledge Base if you would like to take a look, linked here: Hope this helps but please let me know if you run into the issue again.
