Can't find Nucleus

Hello !

Since 2 days I can’t find my Nukleus. He has power. Did not obtain IP Adresse. Tried to reset Network with HDMI und USB keyboard. Nucleus does not output any video signal. Power still on. Disconnected may times. Restart many times. Who can we factory reset as a hard reset without GUI.

Thanks for your kind suppport

What sort of monitor did you connect to the HDMI output of your Nucleus?

Also, try following steps 1 to 4 in this troubleshooting guide to see if that helps.

Hello ! We did all this. Monitor is a Samsung TV. Cable and everything is fine - we tried it also with Laptop - works all. The I plug the NUC in he starts running. After a while he stops (shut down on his own) - starts on is on again.

This could be an overheating issue. Is the Nucleus in a well-ventilated place?

Someone from the Support team will be along to take this issue up with you, but it will probably not be until after the weekend…

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Hey @Harald_N,

I’m very sorry we took this long to get back to you, especially seeing that you are unable to use your Nucleus. I apologize for the delay :pleading_face:

Thank you @Geoff_Coupe for jumping right in with suggestions :pray:

Since it’s been a few days, I was wondering, are you still having trouble with your Nucleus? Would you mind sharing some details about your setup and network connections?

Also, could you please let us know when did this start happening? Were there any changes around that time?