Cant get Raspberry pi4 to work as NAA

I have downloaded the NAA file from HQplayer and used Balena Etcher to flash it do the minrdisc and installed it in the Raspberrypi4. I change to NAA or NAA ipv6 in the settings of HQplayer but no device turns up?!

I can see the Ropieee in the routerlist but it is offline! I have restarted the router but it does not help! Looking forward to support!

Balena Etcher says the downloaded file is missing partition table. I have tried both the July 20 and the March 18 version and both have the same message. I have flashed anyway and the result is that both are successfully flashed! May this be a problem anyway?

Well, no support here?!
I bought an adapter for microHdMI and attached a screen. I could see that the HQplayer NAA file did not boot. I did it manuelly but cannot find the NAA file?! Shall I do boot the NAA file once more?

I understand I am in the wrong category! Can I move the thread to support?

Thanks for your help! Can you help me move my thread from ”audio talk” to support so that I hopefully can get support?!

@Per_Svensson, what thread? Your other topic is in HQ Player, which is the correct location for assistance regarding NAA.

Incidentally, please avoid posting in an unrelated thread–moving.

Sorry, I answered to Mikael who is refering to me in the Hqplayer thread. If it is in the right place I wonder why noone is supporting me. Now it is obsolete as Mikael has solved it for me!

Sorry Per, i don’t know why you are having issues with the HQP NAA image from @jussi_laako .
My recommendation to begin with Ropieee still applies, even if one might want to try the HQPlayer NAA image later, when everything has been confirmed up and running.

You need to unzip the file.

Thank you John but I folliwed the tip from Mikael and now everything is installed and it plays. Very quiet and calm with black background! Improved base and midrange. Now I will put the Pi in an aluminium casing and put a Zobel on the switching device.


Glad to hear it’s working for you now!

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Hi all,

I am also having similar problem in using Raspberry pi 4b as NAA.

I have tried Ropieee XL (HQPlayer NAA is enabled) and the NAA image from HQPlayer.

The HQPlayer desktop still cannot find the pi4b as a NAA.

What should I do to let the HQplayer desktop 4 to find the pi?

If you’re running HQP desktop on Windows check first the Windows network type, it should be Private and not Public

May I know how to check the window connection?

In the Windows taskbar you can find your network, click on it then go to properties …

When loading the flashed MicroSDcard to the Raspberry pi4 make sure the DAC is not attached via USB and that the HQplayer computor is turned off. Wait a few minutes and check in the routerlist that the pi has got an ipnumber.
Attach the DAC and then search for the Pi

from Windows:

From mac/iPad:

Look for services and choose NAA for HQplayer.
Make the necessary choices, choose NAA and DAC in HQplayer and play music.
Good luck!

Thanks a lot! I have setting it at “Private” network.

Thanks for the info.
Actually, I am also using Roon as well.
The Roon core can see my pi4 as RAAT and my DAC.

However, the HQPlayer cannot find the pi4 for NAA.

Shut off everything then first start DAC, then Raspberry pi/Hqplayer/Roon. After that check settings in HQplayer.