Setting up Roon Nucleus with internal SSD, want to copy media files onto SSD from WDMyCloud NAS, 337 GB. Mac OS 10.13.6. My iTunes library is on the iMac but the media files are on the NAS (since recent iTunes update, iTunes library does not work if it is stored on the NAS, discovered after many hours of support with Apple). I tried selecting the media folder on the NAS and dragging it to the watched folder on the Roon internal storage. Starts spinning, but later quits and 0 tracks are imported. How do I transfer the music to the internal storage?
I think it’s copying now by accessing the internal storage from the Mac, not through Roon.
Hey @Richard_Gutknecht,
It sounds like you were able to get things up and running here, but I just wanted to confirm that everything is going well for you now. If you have any questions please let me know!
I’m not clear on how iTunes will work with Roon after reading posts. Since I just dragged to copy music from one NAS Volume to InternalStorage, I guess the next step is telling iTunes the music is now moved. The library.itl remains on the Mac.
Can I make a new folder on InternalStorage for my smaller compressed library of music on my Mac which I use for Apple Music and iPhone syncing? When I try to browse from within Roon, nothing appears. How do I do that and is it practical to keep those iTunes libraries separate but both on Roon?
Hey @Richard_Gutknecht,
There are a couple of options here.
You can have the files in two places — both where you use iTunes and the InternalStorage of the Nucleus.
Alternatively, you can connect to the Nucleus using Finder on the Mac. From here you should be able to reorganize the files if you’d like and connect to it via iTunes.
I still can’t figure out how to add a second folder. I copied the music files directly to internal storage and pointed the iTunes library.itl to that location, works fine.
But I want to add a folder to watch the separate small iTunes library of music on the mac, leaving the music files on the mac. When I click on add folder in settings, a blank window comes up “Choose Music Storage Folder” that I can’t paste a path into. How to add a folder? And should the music I copied to the root level of internal storage be in a folder rather than root level?
Hey @Richard_Gutknecht,
My apologies, I believe I misunderstood your original request.
Yes, you can definitely add a second watched folder in Roon.
From Settings > Storage you’ll want to choose Add Network Share
. From here you’ll need to enter the path (as well as the username and password for the share you’ve set up on the Mac).
You can read more about adding a watched folder in our KB.
I’m still not able to add a folder. The Roon core is on the Nucleus. The main library of music was copied onto internal storage on the Nucleus. Roon works fine.
But when I try to add to watch the small music library that exists on the mac, I get “error” or “cannot find host” or “could not connect” every time. I’m typing in every permutation I can think of composed of
smb://Macintosh HD/users/rick/Music/iTunes or parts of it. (Doesn’t seem like I should be adding a share if the music I want is on the main computer drive?)
Hi @Richard_Gutknecht — Dylan is out of the office today so I am keeping an eye on things for him and wanted help steer you in a right direction here.
However, there a few things I could use some clarification on based on the above. May I very kindly ask you to please verify the the following…
Please confirm that I have summed up the issue here correctly…
You have been hosting your music collection previously on a WDMyCloud NAS and after buying a Nucleus you moved the contents of the NAS over to the internal SSD on the Nucleus. All the content made it over as expected and you can access the media without issue, correct?
You have a small library of music living on the mentioned Mac device that you want Nucleus to be able to access but at this current point in time you are unable to access it from within Roon and are being presented with a few different warning messages when you try to add the network share (i.e “error” or “cannot find host” or “could not connect”), correct?
In your last post you mentioned the following…
" Doesn’t seem like I should be adding a share if the music I want is on the main computer drive?"
- The media that is on the Mac device is this the same content that was already moved over to the internal storage of the Nucleus? Adding the same content twice can lead to unwanted duplicates.
Yes, I physically moved at the music files from a NAS to the internal storage on the Nucleus. Works fine. Also works to open iTunes on the mac which sees the music. The iTunes library.itl remains on the mac, not the music.
So I’m trying to add a share to internal storage window on the Roon core running on the Nucleus to access a separate and different small music file on the mac (both library.itl and music files are on the mac HD), so I’m making sure that is what to do. Some titles are the same as the other library, but compressed. I have always used two separate iTunes libraries. Can I not have a separate folder with some of the same titles? Anyway, when I try to add a share, I can’t get it to work. Typing any pathway results in an error or failure to find. I am not filling the other blanks after the path.
Thank you for the clarifications here, @Richard_Gutknecht!
First, let’s make sure that we have everything properly shared on the Mac device you’re trying to access. Can you confirm that everything is shared properly? Apple has an article about this here. Are you able to access this folder from another device on the network?
After confirming this, let’s try adding a username and password to the watched folder you’re adding. The connection may be failing due to it needing the username and password, so definitely give that a try!
If you’re still unable to connect after this, can you share a screenshot of what you’re entering and the error message that appears?
Closed due to inactivity. If you are still seeing this issue, please open a new support thread.