Can't play next track? Atrociously counter-intuitive - no, thanks

I’m not that old I think haha but I’m with you - listen to whole albums, but my young daughters like playlists, they use Spotify and think their Beats headphones are fine, they don’t need Roon. Each to their own but the consequence of Roon being available to anyone is exactly that, anyone is free to use it and dislike it. It’s the fanboys/girls that influence a product, and unlike any other app I’ve used, oddly I’m passionate about Roon! :slight_smile:

I must say I don’t get it though, when I returned a Naim amplifier I didn’t feel the need to go on the Naim forum and tell them so, maybe I should haha

Wow…I subscribe to Qobuz and I never even knew there was separate software :rofl:

I thought the Roon integration was how it was supposed to work!!! :joy: Still it works for me!

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Nice! :grinning:

Of course it is. Roon does what it can with with the data it is provided and can send back and does their best to map its features logically within that framework. But, it will never be an exact match as the apps use different terminology, feature sets, and UI elements. So any integration we get between Roon and the Qobuz and Tidal apps is indeed a bonus.

Again, I care zero about that integration as I use Qobuz within Roon only. I use Qobuz for music exploration and still buy most of the music I discover I like.

No one was fighting to keep anything the same as so much was not even in the software. No DSD, no Linux, no raat, UDP instead of tcp, and the list goes on.
However, that does not mean I liked all the changes, and I want my Pawmasher back. :grinning:

Is that what you see here? :slight_smile: You are, for first time, horribly wrong! :wink: I just want different things than you, and have several requests registered. There are many ways to Rome they say :smiley:

this is a waver music era and roon is the most enjoying waver players …