Cat Power - album discography display issues (ref#F2TT0U)

The same or similar happens with (one variant of) the Qobuz version of the Cat Power Sings Bob Dylan album by the way. The one that is shown in Dirk‘s screenshot - it can’t even be added to the library. Happens for me as well

I think that’s what I posted earlier.

I occasionally see what looks like two versions of the same album. There is some minor indistinguishable difference that makes them unique.

Yeah, what you mention does happen. But in the Cat Power Sings Dylan case there is an additional issue. From my library:

The cover marked in green shows my local version, which is the primary version, and the same group already contains the Qobuz 96/24 version of the album, which I also have in my library:

(Note: I edited the Qobuz album title).

Yet, in Discography the green one shows only the Tidal badge. The cover with the Qobuz badge is separate (red mark). But if I go there and look in the Versions tab, it is actually the same album, showing the same version info as the green one does in the above screenshot. Nevertheless, the Qobuz shows as a separate cover (marked in red) in Discography. Consequently, this one can’t be added to the library, either, and only shows an endless spinner if I try (because it actually is in the library already, I suppose). This is what I seen when I go to the “red” album:

Note that it shows as “not in library” (the (+) button is visible) and has the original Qobuz album title. Yet, in its version tab it’s the same as the Versions of the “green” copy. And note that the versions list shows only one Qobuz version, which IS already in the library.

Something is off there and it looks it’s the same in @Dirk_De_Taey’s screenshots.

All this is one of the reasons I gave up on keeping a virtual library due to these bugs in Roons Qobuz integration and my own stuff. It’s just too messy a lot of the time.

I see this…Just one Tidal version and one Qobuz version, both in my Roon library.

Seems similar but different insofar as the Qobuz version is in may library as well, but does’t have the library badge.

What’s similar in your case is that the Tidal and Qobuz version are shown as separate covers in Discography. Makes no sense to me. All of the others have one cover that has both the Tidal and Qobuz badges. Even if it detect some small difference, it should then be possible to manually group them. Can you? Because I can’t.

The TIDAL version is associated with the main group for this album. As I explained, the Qobuz version is not. In other words, the TIDAL and Qobuz versions are not equivalenced and are effectively different albums.

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But if the separately displayed Qobuz version is a different album, why can’t I add it to the library, and why does its album page show the album as not added but its version tab shows only one Qobuz version that IS added.

Do you mean this? In your previous post you talked about not being able to group the albums.

It‘s both, in a way. Depends on how you look at it, I guess, and I don’t know what the right way of looking at it is, because I don’t know what’s really going on. Maybe I’m just being confused

One way to see it (as far as I can tell) is that grouping is of course only possible if both are in the library, but I can’t even add the rogue one to the library and so I can’t group it.

The other way is related to the fact that there is really only one Qobuz version: The Versions tab of both displayed covers (the one with the Tidal badge and the one with the Qobuz badge) is the same and shows the Qobuz version as already added and in the same group. So why does it still show separately in the Discography.

Something like this happens to just a small number of albums but not only the Cat Power Sings Dylan one. A similar (not sure if quite the same) thing occurs for me like this and whatever I do it is impossible to group these two under one cover - apparently because, like in the Cat Power case, the Version tabs of both instances contain the same in-library albums and they are already grouped:

Nearly all albums show only one cover in Discography except for the odd ones like in these examples, and it’s a bit annoying that nothing makes them unify.

I think the simple (but probably unsatisfactory) answer is that it’s different code:

  • Discography is Cloud services code, with the ids of identified albums added to the Discography request by the Roon Server.
  • Versions with the grouping feature is Roon Server code, and it’s complex.

If you want to pursue this further, can I suggest that you put in your own support ticket? (And, if you do, please use the template by clicking on the “Get help” button at the top of

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I don’t want them grouped. They are two different albums for some unknown reason. That’s fine with me.

I think I know what’s going on with the failed Qobuz version equivalence. As is so often the case, it’s a side effect of a bigger change that we made over a year ago. I’ve made a ticket to get this fixed, but as usual I can’t promise any timescale.

Thanks for continuing to report these issues.


I was talking about what I want, and which works with 99% of albums, but not some

You asked if I could manually group them.

Yes, because it would have been interesting if it works for you

@joel also seeing this with my library and often see albums in Disography that Roon has not recognised it as same version as Qobuz one when it was actually bought from Qobuz.

Orlando Weeks - Loja doesn’t show my in library one only Qobuz.

Click on Discography shows only Qobuz.

Show mine from overview see all versions but no equivalence. It’s identified in Roon just fine as well.

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