Choose Roon Arc download quality

On Roon Arc I would like to be able to configure the downloaded music quality, just like we can do for streaming quality.
I don’t need to download 24/192 albums to listen on my Android, CD quality is enough for me.

I’ve seen other people mention this but I did not see an explicit feature request topic - but feel free to delete this if I missed it!

Feature request, assuming I understood your wishes correctly, is here - Option to convert downloaded files - Roon Software / Feature Suggestions - Roon Labs Community

I also want this so everyone who thinks the same please go and vote for this feature.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Option to convert downloaded files

Thanks Julian I missed this one because the title was a bit obscure.

Can an admin remove my post and move the answers to the correct post Julian related to? Thanks

I have moved the relevant posts over and closed this thread.