Chromecast tv not showing in audio devices neither is my Onkyo TZR50

so should i uninstall the windows app…and reinstall?

It will help with it connecting to wrong core and giving you two options to connect to. Not sure if it will help with your cc issues but worth eliminating it as it should not be set up as a core if you’re running Roon server as well.

when I install it …is there an option to not make it the core? has been a while since I installed it.


well, i just uninstalled the windows version…(i left the server); then uninstalled and reinstalled the app on my phone; then reinstalled the windows app…there was no option to not make it a server. it just installed.

Are you 100% you have Roonserver installed (separate app to Roon), its running and is your current core?

After uninstalling Roon main app you will need to manually delete the whole folders it leaves behind in AppData, carefull not delete your Roonserver one it will be separate. Before doing this run a back up just incase your core is actually the full app or you will delete your database.

Here is what it leaves behind, it will have all the components of a full core but if its been installed properly as a remote to connect to an existing core they are not used

Install Roon App

If another Roon core is running then then you will see this, if not then your Roonserver is not running

When installing for the first time the app always asks you if you want to use it as a core or connect to an existing core if it finds one.

absolutely…when i unistalled the roon windows app…my roon server still worked and I could access roon. I did not remove those folders when I reinstalled, but I did see that splash page. I did not see the choose your core page. From what you post, I cannot see which folders I need to delete in AppData

thanks for your help.

if i try the uninstall of the roon windows app; not the roon server, which folders should I delete or rename to old, so as not to affect the server install, just the windows app?

can I uninstall and reinstall the windows app without uninstalling the server? The server seems to be working fine. The app on my pixel 7 accurately reflects my use of Roon.

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