Description Of Issue
My classical library has been turned into a mess since 1.8, and your latest update today have made it even worse, we’ll done
Sorry my language but I have been using roon for 4 or 5 years, and until 1.8 every update just went fine (and as a software engineer I was impressed).
Now, the two views “Artist/overview” and “Artist/view albums in library” .
Before the the latest update all albums by an artist was shown in either the one view or the other or in the two views combined.
That’s no longer the case, now maybe the one view shows all albums or maybe it shows none or…
Well, it’s just a mess.
I know I haven’t been very precise or anything close to a description of the error/errors but I can’t help thinking that you already know that you have an issue.
I hope you either can show me how to have all albums shown in the Artist/overview view or soon issue an update that fixes the problem
For classical albums
I have not checked all artist but
In the Overview, only appearances are shown.
In the library view, it is sometimes all albums and sometimes only some of the albums (and Bartok is an exception, here only some of the albums plus Emerson, Lake and palmer?)
For the rest
Mostly all albums are shown in the Overview,
but not for all artists. For some, the albums are only found in the library view
It would be very nice if all albums were shown in the Overview.
Like Henrik, my classical library has been turned into a mess by recent updates. Last year I purchased a Nucleus, signed up for Roon, and ripped my 1,004 CDs into the Nucleus. I organized my Music Library by listing classical composers as the Artist, and assigned to them all music albums they composed, regardless of the musicians that performed the music. When I want to listen to classical music I start with the composer, not with the Berlin Symphony etc. That worked well, until the recent update. I have over 20 albums of Beethoven’s music, but now only 2 appear in the Artist view. I can find the other Beethoven albums in Album view, so they aren’t erased just difficult to find. Reviewing other classical artists, I see the same problem. How do I reorganize my library so I can find the music I want to listen to??
This is a problem experienced by many others. A Ticket is open here. It is best to post your observations in that threat, so everything related to this issue is kept in one place.
I do not use a streaming service. My Library of ripped CDs (stored on Nucleus) consists of 1,021 CDs by 422 Artists. I classified roughly 40 classical composers as Artists. The organizational mess appears to effect only classical composers, but it looks like it effects all of them. For example, prior to last updates, Artist view displayed approximately 20 albums with compositions by Beethoven, after the update it displays only two albums. Mozart, Back, Vivaldi, et all are missing most of the albums. So far, I have not seem missing albums for other genres of music.
Ok, I dont know what addl. „mess“ Roon might creates when you classify Composers as „Artists“ But: It is certainly not designed that way. You should tag the Composers as Composer and then have a look whether that improves your situation, Otherwise it may well be related to the issue I copied in above.
The following only concerns classical albums (have not seen the problem with others).
Use of roon meta data: All albums regardless of genre
Primary artist: name of composer( classical)
otherwise name of band,…
Album artist: same as primary artist
For classical, mostly just the last name
Problem, after latest update
The two views artist/overview(AO) and artist/view albums in library (AVAIL)
In most cases no albums are shown in AO, except appearances.
The albums are shown in AVAIL or in some cases, only some of the albums, which means that all albums can only be found in the Album View
Found 3 exceptions :
Shostakovich, Stravinsky and Stockhausen - all albums are shown in AO. But in AVAIL some albums are missing.
It all worked fine until 1.8
From 1.8 until latest update, a few days ago
All albums were shown in AO or AVAIL or the two combined.
Regards Henrik Ahlers
Yes there is a problem. Roon knows it. Lets hope it gets fixed soon. For the time being, as you say, we can only be sure to see all albums in Album View.