Cleaning the whole local library

Roon Core Machine

Roon core in MacBook Pro
Ethernet Gigabit swicht

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Connected Audio Devices

MacBook Pro connected to USB Weiss DAC

Number of Tracks in Library

1300 album connected usb from External HDD 4Tb disk

Description of Issue

I would like to create a completely new library in my Core from my external HDD
I have too many duplicated albums, when trying to eliminate the duplicated ones I eliminate the original in the Local HDD disk
So I think the best is eliminated the library and create a new one
But not affecting what I have in my Local disk

There’s no reason your original albums on your Local HDD disk, if you use focus to firrst select and then reverse your selection, as in my case:

Then select ‘duplicates’ in Focus

Select the remaining albums and delete.

Hope this is helpfull

Duplicated albums are, in many situations, the result of improperly setting up Settings==>Storage. Generally, by specifying a directory twice; usually by including nested directories.

Before you do anything drastic, maybe a screen print of Setting==>Storage would be illuminating.

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What does the folder structure on your external USB look like?

If you clean up the source hard drive, (not deleting-just moving) it would make it a lot easier to setup your library.


Very helpful advice thanks

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