We’ve seen Windows updates cause issues with graphics drivers which results in this behavior. What is the GPU for your device?
Windows’ automatic driver updates can sometimes be a bit unreliable, and we’ve seen direct downloads from the manufacturer help in cases where Windows installations did not, so it’s worth a try if you haven’t gone that route.
Please follow these steps:
quit Roon
reboot the Windows machine
Turn off your Roon Core
Unplug your Core for a few minutes
Plug the Core back in
Turn on the Core
uninstall your graphics drivers
navigate to the manufacturer’s website for your Graphics Card (for example, a popular one is NVIDIA) and download the graphics drivers directly from there
I have RX480 and I frequently update AMD drivers (not through Windows update). After this started happening, I’ve updated them at least a few times and there was no difference - and it still happens.
Note that Roon is currently the only application I have problems with (I presume others would fail in some way if it was a drivers issue).
I’m programmer myself and, to me, the issue looks like either items height data somehow get corrupted internally or you are doing a search over sorted list that is not sorted. I haven’t spotted which user-side action might trigger that, but it is curious why this happens after some time, never immediately after starting.
I’ve also noticed that, after Roon is running for some time, at some points the search popup takes few seconds to appear after clicked on the icon. Normally it appears immediately. Might be the same problem (but it doesn’t manage to crash Roon).