Coaxial out instead of Ethernet?

If you have version grouping enabled (settings > general > show hidden versions > no) then it should appear as a separate version under the Versions tab of the album. If you have the setting to yes, it should appear as a separate album in the My Albums browser

Ok thank you

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Very cool how this works

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Sometimes we tend to forget that when reading about all the troubles on the forum :slight_smile:

Question, so when I shuffle library now, it has made the local file primary. I now have 2 versions in my library, which I really don’t want. I am thinking the Qobuz better may sound better than local at 44khz, but not sure. So if I want to keep Qobuz version as primary, will it still play the local file. It looks like I can’t remove local file from library.

Local files are always in the library. You can delete the album of course, but I think you can also hide it (from the album edit button when you are viewing this version). Not quite sure what happens with it then, though

Not sure about whether shuffle will prefer the primary / leave out the other version, I never use shuffle. Roon Radio doesn’t (at least not reliably).

If you are not sure which one sounds better, maybe it’s not a great loss to remove the Qobuz version from the library

Adding local files takes forever, 16k tracks, only 617 imported after 5 hours, on letter B. Is this normal?

Well, you could covert it to 24/192, which wouldn’t make it hires but it would still use the bandwidth a hires file uses while streaming.

Edit: I’m not sure why it quoted Suedkiez. I hate this DiscourseHub app. :laughing:

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I’ll try that

Sounds slow to me. I never imported a large batch at once, but importing a single album takes a few seconds for me.

Yea, now on letter C. If this is so slow no wonder those 192khz files won’t play. Mmm

Problems all around. Slow importing, then I tried to play an imported track. You guessed it, skipping like hell. Hoping it is just because imports are still in progress. If it ain’t one thing, it’s another

If it’s a slow computer and slow drive, you may want to disable the track analysis scanning in Settings → Library until the Roon metadata Imports are complete. It may help.

Could be because that little i3 cpu, the network controller, and the hard drives have their hand full at the moment.

You can see the status of the imports in the top right corner of a remote app.

You’ll see imported and identified numbers. There is a third process which is the one I mentioned in the Settings (audio analysis).

I opened new topic in support. Check this out