Compositions not showing when have library only selected

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Screenshot of import settings

Description of the issue

This album does not show in compositions when filtering to show my library versions. I only see the other version i have. Its identifed the composition just fine as you can see in screenshots. I can goto the composition from the album itself and it shows there are 71 available to me with streaming as well as my own.

These are the two I have in Roon

the BNF one doesnt show up as being in my library when in compostions browser here you can see I can goto it from the album.

in the composition browser I can see mine here:

and then further down my other one but this is Qobuz not mine. My copy is no where to be seen nor shows in this albums versions tab.

It also doesnt show up when I filter for library versions.

I find this odd. I tagged it using MusicBrainz picard for Roon to identify it which it does and matches compositions correctly on the album.

@joel what could be causing this anomaly is because the files dont have work/part in the metadata?

Hi @CrystalGipsy,

My assumption here is that you’re correct - this particular recording does not populate due to the omission of certain fields in the metadata. However, while investigating other reports of seemingly counterintuitive logic within the Recordings by Popularity sort (see here: Bug: filter not working correct, Recordings by Popularity) we’ve noticed some components on this and related pages that require attention.

The tech support team has an open investigative ticket, but we haven’t identified any specific failures at this time.

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