Connection Issue with Core (ref#QFEC80)

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What’s happening?

· I'm having trouble connecting to Roon

What type of connection issue?

· I can't connect to Nucleus

Describe the issue

Can’t connect. To core


In order for this to be diagnosed please post more details here.

At least the version of Roon which you’re using; and your computer’s operating system.

Also helpful will be a description of the steps you take to reproduce the problem, and which (error) messages you see - if any.

Thanks… :slight_smile:


Hi @David_Handler,

It’s great to see you on community again!

From your account info, I see your Roon Server device is running Roon 1.8, while your iPad is running Roon 2.0.

You’ll likely need to download the legacy remote app for your iPad to reconnect. This should do the trick:

Let me know! :+1:

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Full form submission

What’s happening?

· I'm having trouble connecting to Roon

What type of connection issue?

· Something else

Describe the issue

I want to. Use my iPad to run roon

Hi @David_Handler,

I’ve merged your new support request to this existing one. Please don’t open new topics for this same issue.

Did you see @benjamin reply to you, above?

You have a choice to make, either update to Roon 2.0 (current) on Nucleus or install the Legacy Roon 1.8 application on the iPad (and any other remote devices you have).

Personally I’d update to 2.0, is there a reason you are still on Roon 1.8?

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