Convolution filter, short burst of noise when using large tabs filters

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

Windows Server 2019, Ver1809, Intel i7 -8.700@ 3.2GHz, Roon Core 1.7 (build 667)

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

Ethernet, 1Gbit/s WAN connection

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

Merging HAPI via Ravenna

Description Of Issue

It has already been reported, that certain devices output a short noise burst when start playing a track. So far, this has never been an issue with my setup. It has never happend so far. Since a week I have changed the convolution files used. I am now using 264k tabs instead of 64k. Consequently the files are much larger. In the begining this hasen’t been a problem with Roon. Since a few days I am experienced a small burst of noise when swithcing tracks. This can be cured with a re-start of the Roon Core.

Any ideas how to solve the issue?

Hi @Ralf_Hoellmann,

Can you please upload the convolution filters to Dropbox / Google Drive / ect and post a link here?

Of course. This is the link:

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One more thing: Needless to say, that I have re-installed already the ASIO driver. To my regret no change!

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Thanks for sending the filter over @Ralf_Hoellmann, I have requested our technical team review it and as soon as I have an update from them, I will let you know!

Hi Norris, any update on this issue?

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Hi Roon-Team & Followers,

has anybody got convolution filters being processed with Roon, which have got more than 266k tabs?

I have tried 524k and Roon does upload them into DSP. However, several error messages are produced when start playing music. Either “Too many interferences” or “can’t play audio”.

Regards, Ralf

Moving this to support so suggest you give system details like oS version and hardware etc

Here you go:

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

Windows Server 2019, Ver1809, Intel i7 -8.700@ 3.2GHz, Roon Core 1.7 (build 667)

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

Ethernet, 1Gbit/s WAN connection

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

Merging HAPI via Ravenna

Description Of Issue

The convolution runs for 8 channels. A test with two channel 524k tabs works, but with 8 channel it does produce a series of error messages.

Hi @Ralf_Hoellmann,

I merged your two threads so that we can have all the information in one place.
Your case is with our technical team for review, I have just messaged them for a status update.
I’ll let you know as soon as I hear back, thanks!

Hi Noris,

thanks to the great support of Uli Brüggemann (Acourate Software) the last issue has been ressolved: I can now process 524k tabs with Roon convolution with 8 different channels.

The solution: All eight *.wav files need to have EXACTLY the same number of tabs.

However, the noise when switching sample rates hasn’t gone away!

Regards, Ralf

524k taps is very large. I’ve used filters with 132k taps for a long time (2ch, not active xover) with no problems at all (Audiolense). Is there any advantage in using so many taps?

Yes, there is. The main purpose of equalization within a room is to eliminate room modes. Unfortunately, they are (mostly) very narrow bandwitdh peaks/ dips. While the ear can interpolate the dips, the peaks create the typical in-a-room bass quality…

With 132k tabs you can achieve a theoretical 0.36Hz resolution at lower frequencies. The ideal would be better than 0.05Hz. With 524k you already get to 0.09Hz.

Just make a comparison with two filter sets: The difference in bass performance is remarkable!

Has anyone compared Roon with convolution and say a trinnov st2 hifi correction or dirac specifically?

Maybe this question should move to the other Roon room correction thread.

Hi Noris,

any progress on this issue?

Regards, Ralf

Hi @Ralf_Hoellmann,

Does the noise when switching sample rates only occur when you have the Convolution filters active as well? Can you share two screenshots of your Signal Path when the issue occurs (before and after)?

Hi Noris,

yes. I am using an active 8 channel set-up (like before).

Here’s the screenshot:

Regards, Ralf

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Thanks for the additional information and convolution files!
I’ve requested the team try to test for this issue in the lab.
Once I have further information, we’ll reach out again!

Thanks Noris. One more thing: Using the same convolution files with JRiver does not cause the noise burst when switching sample rates.

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Hi Noris, I have recorded the (still anoying) noise:
You can download it with your credentials.
Regards, Ralf

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