Convolution in MUSE on MacBook Pro not functioning correctly (ref#GB6AQ4)

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Using Roon on a MacBook Pro (Sonoma 14.4.1) the Convolution in MUSE doesn’t work properly. The very same ZIP file works flawlessly with Roon on a Windows 10 laptop, hence its not a problem with the ZIP file.

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Welcome to the Roon community, @myhrtf.

Please would you expand on the error or behavioir you are seeing. Likewise, what device is running Roon server? Once you load a filter into Roon it is saved in the database on the server, and therefore doesn’t need to be loaded again.

If you are migrating Roon to a new device, restore a backup, and this will include the filter.

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Hi @myhrtf ,

Welcome to the forum! Yes, please do provide any more information you can about this. You can also send us the zip file for review if you’d like (once we understand the exact convolution problem you are facing). To send us the .zip for review, you can upload it to the below link:


Hi mjw,

Thank you for taking this up!

Roon server is running on a MacBook Pro and I can load the ZIP file as usual (no error message etc.) but the sound is wrong: it sounds as if only the left channel is processed and the right channel is output directly.

I am familiar with using Roon convolution on Windows successfully, and the very same ZIP file works as expected when I use it in Roon on my Windows 10 laptop.

Thank you for your support.

What audio device was the filter created? Can you share a screenshot of the signal path.

Hi noris,

Thank you for helping. I just uploaded my .zip file. FYI: it is a filter for headphones so it contains 4 impulse responses in 2 stereo .wav files that are supposed to be processed as usual: L->L, L->R, R->L and R->R.


I’m not sure if I understand correctly, but here you go: the impulse responses in the filters are modified versions of a binaural room impulse response (BRIR) files from the internet.
Concerning the audio interface: I’m using the MacBook Pro headphone connector with a headphone amplifier. The signal path in the .cfg file is as follows:
44100 2 2 0
0 0
0 0


The signal path is displayed in Roon, and shows us what DSP is applied to the endpoint. It will also show the audio device your headphones use.

When playing, you’ll see a dot or star next to the progress bar. Click on this for the signal path.

Believe it or not, after I reinstalled Roon on my MacBook Pro, the very same .zip file that wasn’t working before does work as expected now but I have no idea why. I will keep you updated in case it doesn’t work again for some reason.
Sorry for having wasted your time.

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