Crash when clicking "more" albums in search results

08/28 20:06:10 Debug: GMS: saving nav stack
08/28 20:06:10 Info:
Local Time: 08/28/2023 20:06:10 +08:00
Device Serial Number: xxxx
User Id: xxxx
Roon Version: 2.0 (build 1303) production
OS Version: Mac OS X 13.5.1
Hardware Version: MacBookPro16,2
Mono Version: unknown

Application Domain: Roon
Assembly Codebase: file:///Applications/
Assembly Full Name: Roon, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

CPU0 Description: Intel(R) Core™ i5-1038NG7 CPU @ 2.00GHz (64-bit)
CPU0 Num Cores: Physical: 4 Logical: 8

–[ INNER EXCEPTION ]------------------------------------------------
–[ BROOSCRIPT EXCEPTION ]-------------------------------------------

Exception Message: Property get not found on type Sooloos.Broker.AlbumLiteVersions: tracks

at ../ui/init.broo:4329              [15d57e:002b] function anon_1077
at ../ui/componentlibrary.broo:18639 [15d665:000d] equation

–[ INNER EXCEPTION ]------------------------------------------------
Inner Exception Source: Broo.Runtime
Inner Exception Type: Broo.PropertyGetterNotFoundException
Inner Exception Target Site: Binding.GetMember
Inner Exception Message: Property get not found on type Sooloos.Broker.AlbumLiteVersions: tracks
Inner Exception Data: none

–[ Inner Stack Trace ]------------
Broo.Runtime.Binding.GetMember(Value value, String name, Boolean isconstcontext)
Broo.Runtime.dll, IL 106, N 13399435
Broo.Runtime.Interpreter.Run(Scope scope, BrooxCode code, ArgList args, String name)
Broo.Runtime.dll, IL 3065, N 13146

–[ OUTER EXCEPTION ]------------------------------------------------
Outer Exception Source: Broo.Runtime
Outer Exception Type: Broo.BrooScriptException
Outer Exception Target Site: Interpreter.Run
Outer Exception Message: Exception in brooscript
Outer Exception Data: none

–[ Outer Stack Trace ]------------
Broo.Runtime.Interpreter.Run(Scope scope, BrooxCode code, ArgList args, String name)
Broo.Runtime.dll, IL 4225, N 16716
Broo.Runtime.dll, IL 64, N 256
Broo.Runtime.dll, IL 0, N 13482329
BrooEngine.dll, IL 96, N 13481969
BrooEngine.dll, IL 131, N 13482774

–[ OUTER EXCEPTION ]------------------------------------------------
Outer Exception Source: BrooEngine
Outer Exception Type: System.Exception
Outer Exception Target Site: Widget._PreUpdate
Outer Exception Message: Exception preupdating widget scrollpanel(13777) > vpanel(13778) > vpanel(13797) > stackpanel(13799) > vpanel(13800) > hpanel(13809) > hpanel(13815) > image(13816)
Outer Exception Data: none

–[ Outer Stack Trace ]------------
BrooEngine.dll, IL 131, N 13483076
BrooEngine.dll, IL 227, N 13482568
Broo.Engine.Engine.UpdateOnce(Int32& dirtyObjectCount, Int32& dirtyWidgetCount)
BrooEngine.dll, IL 155, N 465
BrooEngine.dll, IL 323, N 1018
Sooloos.Application.Main(String[] argv)
Roon.dll, IL 1322, N 3612

Hey @leafy,

Thanks for taking the time to write in, and my apologies for the long delay in getting to your thread!

Following up here, I wanted to check in and see if you were still running into crashing issues on the latest build?

If yes, please use the directions found here and send over a set of logs to our File Uploader?


I haven’t run into the same issue since the last update, will keep my eyes open and grab another log if it happens again.


Hi @benjamin , I did run into it again today and had just uploaded to the file uploader.

Hey @leafy,

Thanks for the follow-up! If possible, can you provide more information around your network setup? I’d like to confirm that no third-party network security and or VPNs are active.

Let’s also see if this issue reproduces while on a fresh database.

  • Create a Backup of your current database
  • Exit out of Roon
  • Navigate to your Roon Database Location
  • Find the folder that says “Roon”
  • Rename the “Roon” folder to “Roon_old”
  • Reinstall the Roon App from our Downloads Page to generate a new Roon folder
  • Verify if the issue persists on a fresh database before restoring the backup

Let me know, thanks!

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