Customize Now Playing Screen

When I play Roon and the album has lyrics associated with it, the lyrics view is the default display. I would like to adjust Roon so the artist view is my default view:

I’d like to be able to shift to lyrics if I wish to follow the lyrics, but not have lyrics come up out of the gate.

I came across an older post on Roon Community, but that doesn’t seem to apply any longer (go mid way down on the page under "Customize Now Playing”).

How do I make this change with the current version of Roon?

Also note: I had a hard time following the new direction to post: "Hi there! To create a new topic, please click “Get Help” below and enter your details in the form…” It didn’t work for me.



Hi @David_Weinberg,
If you click the gear shown in your screenshot you can customize the list and put whichever view you prefer first (i.e. make the default) as well as deactivate any you don’t want to see. I hope this helps!

Daniel, very easy, thanks.

I made the change:

Does that mean that artist view is the default?


The first one in the row is the new default screen, yes. Or just try it out :slight_smile:

I thought about that a few minutes after I hit the send button. Thanks for confirming.

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