Cut off font in German

When using focus the screen looks like this and the font is cut off at the far right

When I switch to English it is fine. So it seems that, as always, the German language has too many long words. Can this be fixed please. BTW the same is true when using an iPhone. Most words in the inspector are cut off.

I am sorry to be ignorant, I don’t know what Language this is but this also does not seem right.

I guess the inspector field should just be further to the left.

Thanks for the report, @Coltrane. I’ve passed this along to the team for investigation.

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Any news here? Can’t you just move the frame further to the left?

„Hauptveröffentlichung“ is not a nice translation. maybe better „Erstveröffentlichung“? Not much shorter but more precise and short enough not to get cut off.

Anyway, I switched back to english after a week of using Roon. That babylonian mix of American content and German Software translation did not appeal to me.

Mods: Maybe cross-link into Translation section? Thanks

Thanks. But my point is not so much about translation, but rather layout. It should be easy to fix. I didn’t even get starten about translation…

ya, but such long words never do well in any UI.

Well, we do use software in Germany. So others do manage somehow :wink:

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How is the investigation going?

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