Dac Network is different from Dac USB setup.Why?

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

Latest Roon build; 1.8, 790
2018 Mac Mini, i7 Core,3.2 Ghz, 6 core.

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

Netgear Nighthawk, Uptone EtherRegen.

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

dCS Bartok, wired network, USB from Mac;

Description Of Issue

I can’t seem to get an Enhanced signal when playing MQA on USB mode. The parameters offered in Device setup are different.
Also, should I be using my Dac as a Decoder and Renderer or Renderer only?

That is the way how Roon labels the MQA decoding step as what it is, a not-lossless step like volume control or similar.

I believe he’s asking why there is a difference between the 2 setups. Both are doing MQA, but only one is showing the ‘enhanced’ signal path.

The reason behind this, I suspect, is that when attached via network, the used protocol (RAAT) allows the DAC to report back to the core what is happening internally. The USB protocol does not allow for this and as such, Roon has no way of knowing what happens.

That being said, it seems that in the end, MQA is fully unfolded in either scenario…assuming the Bartok supports MQA over both ethernet and USB.

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Thank you. It seems the issue is the USB1 .

In scenario 1 I would expect to see ‘full MQA decoder’ in the signal path as well.

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