Daily Mixes - Feedback on the selection and content

Yes. It was a music producer. Maybe he was in the focus, because I often hear Bee Ges, Queen and Aretha Franklin… :grinning:

I have had a Vince Guaraldi Mix for the past several days in a row. The tracks are different, though.

For the first time in what seems like an age Daily mixes are showing again. They are still fundamentally flawed in some way though. 2 this time rather than the usual.3 though.

Not a mix at all.

Really Roon how do you think these follow on from Let’s Eat Grandma with the exception of Grimes all the others are no where near the same style or genres.

I love the Daily Mixes, but the truth is, it probably doesn’t need to be Daily. My guess is that most users will only play a small percentage of all the Daily Mixes. What if you generated a ‘My Mixes’ section the first time and then allow the user to trigger a new set of mixes on-demand. This way, the Mixes would stick around until the user asks for a new set.

Hey, just a thought but please don’t give up on the Mixes. I love them.


I really like this idea. :+1:

The Daily Mix is growing on me. Some of them in the last few days has been a pleasant surprise. BUT - is anyone else having the issue of the playback going on ‘Pause’ all by itself? This is a new glitch, that only came to light with the Daily Mix tracks. Quite random in nature, but just goes to pause, click play and it picks up where it left off.

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Daily Mixes not showing in build 806 [See staff post]

I have very much enjoyed my Daily Mixes, which I have luckily been able to enjoy consistently since the beginning. However, I also agree with the sentiment above that daily may be overdoing it. My listening tastes (and time) are probably not sufficiently broad that I need nearly 2200 different mixes each year.


For reports about the mix being missing, use the 806 thread.

Post here about the content of the mixes. I understand you don’t see the content if your mixes are missing, don’t post that in this thread please.


How often are you seeing the same Mix? I’ve been getting the Daily Mixes now for maybe 10 days and I’m certain that I’ve seen several Mixes multiple times - or at least named from the same artist. Given the number of artists in my Library (> 2000) coupled with what Qobuz offers, I’m surprised to see repeat lists already. Of course, I haven’t taken the time yet to determine of the contents of the identically named Mixes is the same.


I had some artist replicated, but content completely different.
So no (big) issue at the moment.
If Daily Mixes works as supposed to be, and they keep on proposing 5 different artists everyday, I easily can understand that artists are replicated.
I cannot imagine we are supposed to listen to ALL mixes, as that represents 10 hours of listening every day.
What about all the new music presented to us in other, different ways :slight_smile:


@anon90297517 - hey, that’s why we get 24 hours in a day! :rofl:

Seriously, I don’t mind getting daily mixes that I don’t ever get to listen to, but I’d be just as fine if we got weekly mixes or the ability to request new mixes on demand. But as it is, if I see a list that looks interesting, I just turn it into a playlist with the hope that’ll I’ll find the time at some point to give it a listen.


You get 6 playlists not 5 correct?

I view it more as a buffet… some days i might sample 2 or 3 playlists, some days none. I think it is one among many venues that capture your interest.

Yes, I get 6 (but One day I only had only 5)

I do save them in playlists for now. Once it works as intended, I will stop that and just enjoy it on the right occasion.


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It started working today but I had a Sol Gambetta mix. Out of 25 tracks 22 of them were Sol Gambetta. I’m not complaining as she is a class act but I don’t believe it’s meant to work like that. Perhaps classical isn’t for mixes. The others were fine.

It seems that this doesn’t work with classical. I have an Igor Levitt Mix and all tracks are Igor Levitt. Again, Mr Levitt is wonderful, but…
Maybe classical should be left of the equation.

I am a big fan of the mixes.
Is there a way to have a band not be included? Some bands just need to be skipped. Not many, but when the need arises.
Thank you.


You might make that a Feature Request!

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Very nice idea! I feel not being able to catch. up every day :slight_smile: Maybe one can dismiss a certain set and demand a new one, too.

I am really loving daily mixes. This has become a main Roon feature for me and I use it happily. Spotify was not bad with personal mixes but never this good. Tidal was bad. This is the first time I get good mixes. I know the musical source is Tidal but the brains are Roon. I love it.