Daily Mixes not really a mix?

Apologies if this has been noted before - please move if so… I had a Annie Lennox mix yesterday, it said ‘featuring Emmy Lou Harris, Jon Gordon and more’ but all it had was one Suzanne Vega/Jon Gordon track and all the rest were Tracy Chapman - great music, but not really a mix? And why mention dear Emmy when she isn’t there?

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4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Daily Mixes - Feedback on the selection and content

Feedback on mixes here:
Daily Mixes - Feedback on the selection and content

[Mods: consider merging]

Hey @Tim_Woodward, I merged your topic on Roon Mixes with the one that @RobOK had started here:

Thank you so much for your feedback on this feature, we hope you don’t mind continuing the discussion in the other thread. :v:t2:

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