(Andrew S)
August 9, 2024, 9:33pm
The following just posted on DarTZeel’s FaceBook page…
Does ROON suck?
Long time ago I wrote about MQA insanity, and audio God heard us.
Today I have serious doubts about ROON, which brings nothing but bugs, complaints, lack of support, and dictatorial policy.
It is one year we are waiting for our certification.
I know we are not the only ones in this situation.
Nevertheless, this is just unbearable and completely irrespectuous.
Especially when DNLA/UPnP allows for untouched playback quality.
Sorry, I had to write it.
I don’t intend to put blame on any part here, but obviously not only DartZeel is discontent with the Roon Certification process of today:
Thanks for reaching out. The S1 series products were released by the end of April 2024, but we actually sent Roon testing units back in late January, more than three months before the launch date. The timing of their testing and feedback is...
Can something be done to allow manufacturers a better communication scheme. for this?
It’s almost as bad as forum based support to my eyes.
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(Just a fellow user like you)
August 10, 2024, 10:45pm
And yet the Wiim Ultra was released in August and is already certified? I think there’s always more going on than we know, I’d always be careful with opinions.
Also, if you meant this for Roon it should be in feedback, talking here amongst ourselves probably has little effect.
There’s already a thread here for discussion, by the way:
Based on the information I could gather online before purchase, I somehow expected the Vega S1 to be already Roon certified for its launch a few weeks ago.
Could someone please let me know what the current status on the certification process looks like? Are we talking weeks or months?