David Bowie Live tracks

I´m having a problem with a few cd rips. Most notably David ( Bowie ) Live 2006 double cd edition. I´ve ripped a couple of times and Roon doesn´t recognize it as a double cd. Instead as a single cd with two track number one, two track number two and so forth. When I try Identify album, choose the double cd ed, I dont get all 21 tracks on the right side. I get 11 tracks mixed from both cd´s… How can I fix this?

Hi Jonas,

how did you number the tracks?
Did you put the tracks in different directories e.g. cd1 and cd2?


I didn’t do anything. But I can see cd1 has a tag with cd1 in it, where cd 2 isn’t called anything but David Live. I’ve ripped a few double cd’s and never had this problem.

Hi Jonas,

The issue you describe should only happen if we’re not able to determine which tracks are part of each disc. The simplest way to fix this would be to edit the file tags so each disc is clearly identified as 1/2 and 2/2. You might also make sure each disc is in its own folder, titled “Disc 1” and Disc 2".

Once you’ve made these changes, Roon should recognize the changes and organize the discs properly. (Note that to pick up the tag changes, a restart may be required – this is fixed for our next release).

You might also read over @jeremiah’s post here about how to make sure multi-disc sets are imported and grouped properly. Let me know how it goes!