Deleted Tidal tracks/albums won't go away!

Roon Core Machine

Antipodes S30

Networking Gear & Setup Details


Connected Audio Devices

Roon Remote on iphone and mac laptop

Number of Tracks in Library

14,000 tracks

Description of Issue

I have just got Tidal, and after using another third party service (tunemymusic?) to transfer playlists from Spotify to Tidal, the resultant content that appeared in Roon included a few orphan albums with 1, 2 or 3 tracks in them. I have been able to delete and remove most of them, but there is one that just seems stuck. I have removed it from my Tidal collection directly on Tidal and tried every possible way to delete it on Roon, but it just won’t go.

It’s on the first line of albums too, so it’s bugging the hell out of me! It shows that there is one track in the album but when I try to select it (its visible) and delete, it then tells me that there’s nothing in there!? Is there any way to flush this out?

Hi @Andrew_Turley,

A few things to try:

  1. Roon Tidal → select the re-sync icon
  2. Roon Settings → Library → Library Maintainance → Select the options and clean up library.
  3. Reboot Roon Core, and wait for it to complete scanning your files (small spinning icon top right).

awesome, thanks Carl, i’ll give these a go.

Hey @Andrew_Turley,

It’s great to see you on the Roon Community! You have my sincerest apologies for the delayed response here, we’ve been dealing with a higher-than-usual volume following our release and we’re working as quickly as we can to get back to everyone.

I wanted to follow up on this thread to see if @Carl’s tips helped? I’ll be monitoring this thread for your reply :+1:

Hi Ben, thanks for checking back! I’m not near my system at the moment, but i’ll check tonight. I ended up just hiding the track/album because nothing seemed to work with removing it.

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Hi Ben, sorry this dropped off my radar, the problem track has definitely disappeared for me now, so no drama. It seems now that deleted tracks are definitely going away!


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