Deleting Roon backups

How can I delete Roon backup files in the Roon app?

It seems I backed my Roon files in the OS drive - now the drive is full. How can I delete these backups?

(I have another backup on a separate drive anyway, so I need to free up some space on the OS drive. I use Sonic Orbiter OS and a Sonic Transporter Audiophile i7 as my Roon core.)

@Michel_Accad, I an moving your post to #support. Therefore, please provide details of the core that contains the backup, including screenshots of the backup location (found under Settings > Backups.)

Incidentally, please do not post the same question in other threads–I removed your other post from an aged thread.


Thank you so much - problem now solved (after 6 months!)

I was able to delete the Roon database backup files from the Roon app!

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Yes indeed! Many thanks for your help! It worked exactly as per your pic.

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