Just wanted to give a massive thumbs up to whoever made it happen for my Denon 350s to become Roon Ready. Most of my listening is done through my primary system but I frequently have to cook in the kitcen and get stuff done in other rooms where a smart speaker is more practical. I’ve had the Denon 350s a while, along with a couple of Sonos 5s, think they are/were just Roon Tested. However fairly recently the Denons became “Roon Ready” through a firmware update and what a differenece this has made. The connection is way WAY more instantaneous and now I can enjoy my music library as part of a seemless expereince as I can with my other Roon Ready devices. The Sonos speakers continually suck and drop out whereas the Denons in the same physical space just instantly connect and love playing with Roon. I am so happy, it’s like I just bought some new smart speakers all over again, even though I think I bought them3-4 years ago. Just goes to show what forward-thinking strategy Denon had in place with their speakers vs Sonos. They obviously gave them enough processing power to have software updates and upgrades over the air rather than factory set. The sound quality on the Denons is excellent too and Roon’s DSP capability over the air is just spell building to get these speakers dialled in to their room.
I got a 250 for the kitchen about a month ago and I’m really happy with it…. I haven’t used it before its Roon ready status so I haven’t had the experience you’ve had on the improvement - for me it’s been great from the start.
So are there any news regarding Denon/Marrantz AVC and Pre-amps of being Roon ready?
Following…I can’t find a single example, although scores of Denon AVRs and the like are “Roon Tested”. I assume that’s as far as things will go for these products.
For now, I have a FiiO SR11 Roon Ready streaming transport connected to my Denon AVR-X4800H receiver. It works well, but it would be nice to be able to stream via R.A.A.T. directly.
Yeah this is my feeling too. I am very ok with airplay ofcourse. I can stream lossless up to 44/16 and I am also able to poweron and volume up/down. So RAAT will mostly server my OCD. It would be nice if we had a conclussive answer in regards to Denon/Roon ready progress.
Denon said a bit before it’s release that the A10H would be the first AVR to be Roon Ready, possibly before it hit retailers, possibly in one of the first firmware releases after release.
I believe there’s been one fw release after it hit the first market? I have one, but still in it’s box, the media room isn’t quite finished yet.