Devialet 220 Discussion

Qobuz have just launched a Best of 192 kHz playlist with lots of variety but strangely no classical.

Looking at purchasing a 220 and curious about everyone’s experience with the WiFi. I would use the 5GHz band and I am hoping that others have had good experiences. I had a Bluesound Node 2i that would dropout a lot on 2.4GHz but was fine on the 5GHz. What are your experiences?

I have now upgraded to an Original D’Atelier but had no problems with wi-fi on the 220. Do buy it - I was always delighted and wouldn’t have changed for anything but a better Devialet. The general recommendation is to use ethernet, if you can. Strangely, that was more of a problem until I inserted a £7 switch.

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Thank you Philip! Good to hear that you had no problems - it is amazing how many manufacturers put so much emphasis on making sleek, high end products but then can’t get something like stable WiFi correct (looking at you Chord!).


Enjoy the 220 and do let us know how you get on.

Do you have a link to that playlist ?

I assume that you are a Qobuz member or have access to their site.

Click Discover then scroll down to playlists. There is a tab for Hi-Res. Under that there are now several 24/192 lists by genre.

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Finally purchased one about two weeks agoand so far so good. There were a few quirks to work out in the beginning but once I got it going it’s been pretty smooth sailing since. Enjoying the 220 with my 705S2 although those might be the next upgrade

The 705 S2 has a SAM profile. Are you using it?

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I’m glad that you got there and have been enjoying the experience. Like @ogs I recommend SAM. Which speakers are you considering for the upgrade?

Yup - still playing around with the SAM level setting but definitely better with SAM than without it. I do find that sometimes it adds bass where there shouldn’t be and it can be a little distracting For example Joni Mitchell’s “Free Man in Paris” had a repetitive bass line that shouldn’t have been so noticeable and it was a little annoying to have it so emphasized. I also found that SAM can sound a little artificial in that the bass sounds almost separate from the music. I think one professional reviewer of the D220 commented on the same thing and I see where they are coming from but I also find that turning down the level of SAM or actually boosting it can help that.

Like I said still playing with it and definitely better overall with it than without it :slight_smile: . Might add a sub though.

So many considerations. A lot of it depends on how I finally settle on using my room. I did have the 805 D3’s but I didn’t love them. Very refined but just not enough juice for the room even with a sub. My room is deep (20 ft) but not wide (12 ft). So I traded them for the 705’s (and money) to hold me over until I settle on a more long term solution. I may put the speakers on the short wall instead and see how that goes. I would consider the 804 D3’s (I think the D4’s are ugly) or something along those lines).

Edit: I accidently typed “long” wall and fixed it to say “short” wall.

Beware that SAM (the bass extension part) can excite room modes as you get more output from the speakers where room modes ‘live’. You can use Sweet Room EQ in the Devialet to tame room modes. Sweet Room has a learning curve (for most), but is very effective when used correctly.

Really very important is to have decent power supply for the Expert line. Devialet Niagara 1200 or better 3000 will provide you a new experience.

Also try to compare RAAT vs AIR protocol when using Roon. The SAM settings will definitely feel different.

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Played around with placement on the short wall and it made a big difference. The D220 gives the 705’s a 3D sound that is incredible. No Sub necessary as Sam does its job. I have it turned to 30% and it’s perfect! Definitely needed to move the speakers off of the long wall - it was too intimate and the speakers now disappear in the room which has never happened before. Loving it right now.

Been having it hooked up to the Niagara 1200 but may go for the 3000. Does the chrome finish of the Niagara 3000 match the Devialet?

I’m using a PS Audio power regenerator and like it. Curious if you’ve replaced the standard power cable into the Devialet with something else, and if so, whether you remove the back plate in order to accommodate it?

I’m using an Audioquest NRG-4. I did remove the back to insert and then put the back, back on to cover it again.

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The 3000 is a major step up! I ver much like the colors of the Niagara and Devialet work together.

The Devialet seems to be a great success, which is no surprise.

I am interested to get views as to whether it is better to spend a substantial amount on a Niagara or invest the money in a significantly better set of speakers instead.