Devialet AIR streaming released!

Builds are still rolling out to the various platforms guys, but see below – enjoy!



I don’t have any Devialet but realise this is a big step for Roon as Devialet to a degree is the hardware new kid on the block to Roon’s software NKOTB.

Well done guys.



Wow … just, wow!

I can’t wait to get home and blow the dust off my Devialet 120 now. I’ve never been so glad I dragged my feet over selling something as I am right now. Maybe I’ll keep it for a second system :slight_smile:

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Great work Roon! It’s working flawlessly so far. I started the Dev from my iPad, loaded my room correction file, and pressed play.
Normally a part of me is worried that a blast of noise about 15 dB louder than the music is going to endanger a speaker driver - one has been blown in the past- but I have the feeling that Roon’s implementation will work as it should, and even with my computer working flat out processing audio files, it’s operating beautifully.


Nice work.

I enabled the Ethernet port and it worked like a charm!

Air was such a useless piece of junk for so long that by the time the folks at Devialet finally got it working I’d moved on.

In the past, when I’ve compared Devialet and Lio by switching the USB cable from SMS200 or Micro Rendu, Lio has always made the Devialet sound a bit “digital” in the top end. Now with native streaming over ethernet I’m not getting that sense at all so clearly more comparison is in order.

As before, the ROCK update went without a hitch.

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Wow. It’s everything Devialet should have been day one. Thanks so much.


Brilliant job guys, many, many thanks for this one!

As a Devialet owner, ROCK is now amazing, everything I could wish for.


Hi Guys,

Absolutely brilliant. Been waiting for a reliable solution to stream WiFi/Ethernet to the Devialet for so long. Thanks for this awesome job.

One suggestion (@support something I believe could be a glitch): can you check if you are able to use:

  • the Ethernet connection
  • convolve with a correction impulse
  • stream a DSD64, whatever the Sample Rate Conversion is selected in the DSP, whether it is For Compatibility Only or Max PCM x 2.
    This is the only situation where I could not stream correctly so far.

Thanks again :smile:

Great news, thank you so much! Can’t wait to get home from work and try it out.

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This is fantastic. All up and running like a dream. I know that it has been a long time coming, but hats off to both Devialet and the Roon Team for making this happen :grinning:. Now to get on and set up ROCK!


This is what I wanted from Devialet all along.

I had some hopes for the new Devialet streamer card, but now it just doesn’t matter :slight_smile:


A big thanks to @mike, @brian, @danny, and everyone else at team Roon for making this happen.

We Devialet users know how hard this must have been - and not just the technical work. ;). Thanks for your perseverance…

Thanks must also go to Devialet for finally listening, and for seeing the light - Roon is class-leading and fitting front end to an Expert system, unlike their AIR driver which has been plagued with issues for years.

We now have volume control, auto source select, power control, and most importantly - and a huge relief to many frustrated owners - a reliable way to stream music to these fantastic amps.

Hopefully it’s just the start of things to come…


WOW! Its brilliant. Power and volume too…ROON developers you are Angels!!


Interestingly the Devialet email circular says volume and EQ can be controlled from Roon. Volume yes, EQ no, as far as I’m aware. (At least not the Devialet’s built in tone controls)

  • Dynamic control of Expert and Expert Pro (Volume, EQ, Start, Standby mode…)

I wonder if this was lost in translation, or a pointer to the future…

When I saw the update available last night, I immediately downloaded it. I thought I knew what to expect but, truthfully, I was blown away. Roon + Devialet = match made in audio heaven! If this doesn’t sell more of both, I can’t imagine what will.

Let me just say - I first jumped into Roon from LMS land when Roon announced support for Squeezeboxes. You guys have been exceeding my expectations ever since and this just set a new high-water mark. Just awesome! Thank you!


This is a great step indeed!

I am playing with it since this morning and like it very much…

One issue did arise however: after an hour or so streaming DSD64 content fine on my D250 Pro, roon switching to a 24 bit 96 khz flac when the radio kicks in and after a few seconds stops playing, at least in my case… I am using ethernet (wifi is disabled).

Thank you very much for this. Just been using it this morning and am enjoying it very much.
Things like that make happy customers and happy customers renew their subs… or maybe even go lifetime.

Social Network (Twitter/Facebook) share features still seem to be down?

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Well done to all concerned. Very impressive!

This did start me thinking though… Roon and Devialet are now beautifully integrated, which is excellent. Looking at Roon another way, Roon and HQPlayer are also beautifully integrated, which is excellent. However, obviously Roon, HQPlayer and Devialet are not integrated due to the differences between RAAT and NAA protocols. Thinking this through, I can only conclude that to include HQPlayer in this mix would be something for Signalyst, not Roon. Further thinking it through, I can’t see it would work in practical terms anyway. Anyway, this is me just thinking out loud. Don’t think for one moment that I am just some grumpy sod who gets one new toy from Roon and then starts asking for the next thing, I know this is how this might sound, but it is not the case, I am genuinely very impressed with Roon / AIR integration, a fine piece of collaborative work. The other fluff in this post is my own curiosity getting the better of me, although I would be interested if anyone thinks it could be done. For now, I would not even dare consider it a feature request, because I suspect it can’t be done.

Good work guys! Well done!

Absolutely faultless integration, less than a minute to set up and sounding great, all the Roon guys deserve a massive thank you and Devialet too.
To my ears the sound is better, tamed the top end on my system, very happy. The progress and developments in the last 2 years with Roon have been fantastic

I added a small feature request relating to volume control, and more specifically setting a limit.

As I say in the request it’s not to detract from this amazing feature, but I do feel it’s important before someone blows their speakers or their hearing…