Devialet AIR streaming released!

Hi guys at Roon: Great job here! Now for the first time anyone with a Devialet amp can enjoy the full potential, even when they not happen to have a Windows computer. And of course with Windows many problems will disappear!

In the information display on the sound path it still says Air… To me that is the understatement of the year if not the decade! Please native English guys help me out: What is the air equivalent in big-bigger-best? :slight_smile:

Please bear in mind that the next part in this post is purely speculation from my side
but one can always hope

Devialet en Roon have been cooperating in realizing the Roon Air implementation, we more or less got that confirmed.
The advantage for Roon is obvious here, even if at the time the Devialet streamer board eventually appears its significance will diminish somewhat. Somehow that board looks less interesting at this moment, but:
What is in it for Devialet? Could it be support from Roon for the firm/software for this board?

That would mean a board where the hardware is created by some of the best in audio hardware
With software created by some of the best in audio software
That might result in a combination made in audio heaven :slight_smile:
