Device not compatible Roon 2.0

Roon Core Machine

Synology NAS

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Description of Issue

Latest upgrade on a Windows 11 machine resulted in “device not compatible with Roon 2.0” message.
As it had been running with the previous version just moments before, something wrong with the update.
Went to C:\Users\Study\AppData\Local\Roon\Application\200001272 and ran it from there and it works fine. Will not run from the app directory.
Will reboot machine and see if it returns to ‘normal’ but thought I’d drop a note…

Right click on your desktop Roon ICON, then click on Properties and see if you’re running in Compatibility mode. If you are, disable that.

EDIT: Not magic at all. Stuff happens.

Thanks Jim

Would have been weird for this to be a problem given roon 2 was running on the desktop just fine immediately before the upgrade… as it happens it was the first thing I checked and no, the system had not magically invoked compatibility mode of its own accord.

Clearly a problem with the build…

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Not so weird because the very same thing did happen for several people and switching off the compatibility mode helped them. The new update did make some more fundamental changes (like using .NET 6) which make sense to not work in Win 7 or Win 8 compatibility mode when previously it might have.

As you sure you don’t have it on?

(I don’t know for sure why affected people had it on in the first place, but in the past there seems to have been a suggestion on the forum that it would help with certain Windows crashes, so some people may have tried that. It didn’t help with the crashes though)

Well… FFS…

Checked binaries for compatability flags - were clean…

But… the start menu shortcut had the flag set. When did this happen?

Anyway a “DOH” for me and thank you for having me go back and check yet again


Thanks for the info :slight_smile: Very strange. I suppose you never did this?

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