Difference in track title between roon and qobuz

Why is there sometimes a difference between the track title seen in Roon and the one in Qobuz. Especially the remaster info found in Qobuz is lost in Roon.
In Roon

In Qobuz

Hello @Claude_Troncy, Roon will automatically try to grab the best quality version of a track you’re playing, but you can find the other options in the “versions” tab.

I believe it is because Roon does not use Qobuz’ metadata directly.

Hi @Rugby

I believe it is because Roon does not use Qobuz’ metadata directly.

Yes that is certainly the good answer, but couldn’t it be different.
For exemple the album title is from Qobuz, but not the track titles, nor the released date…

I don’t know, my guess is it would depend upon the agreements between Roon and Qobuz. Which, since I am just another user like you, I really have no knowledge of specifics.

Hi Daniel, @Rugby

Yes I have perfectly integrate that. :slightly_smiling_face:
I thought that the support could have given me an explanation…
By editing the metadata in Roon, I found a way to differentiate albums.


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This is still a problem.



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