Difficulty Viewing Blue Hyperlinks on Mac in Dark Mode (ref#V0XYQI)

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I am struggling to see blue coloured Hyperlinks, especially on my preferred dark mode setting. Can user change this? I use Mac. Changing colour in MacOs settings does nothing.

Describe your network setup

Talk Talk provided router. I am on Nucleus One.

No official way but there are resource files that can be edited to change colors and some users have been playing with this:

Hey @Ian_Ramsay,

Thanks for writing in! @Suedkiez is correct - this isn’t something officially supported, but it looks like a few users over in the link shared (in our Tinkering category) who have managed to customize colors within Roon.

If you start digging into this deeper, I’d highly suggest creating a fresh backup before tinkering. That way if things go south, you can simply restore your saved backup. :+1:

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