Disappearing Experts

I use a Devialet 220 pro. Once had a problem with Roon not finding it. Pulled put the powerplug for a couple of minutes. Also the Devialet likes an ethernet connecties not higher as 100Mbps.

Hi Toine, when the problem occurs i also pull the powerplug and this helpt. But when the problem occurs a few times per day this is not a workable solution. I use max 100mbps.

Bedraad van router naar Bonn n8, CC ethernet cable naar Devialet. Werkt al jaren naar behoren. Misschien andere uitgang van je router proberen.

After more than 1 year without AIR/RAAT over Ethernet/Wifi I tried it again. Wifi works up to DSD 64. Ethernet over RAAT not!!! My Devialet D220 Pro disappears and after multiple seconds is back. The track is played correctly from the server. I am on latest Devialet FW and roon release. I have Gb Network.

This might be one of the bugs from Devialet.
Did you try using a fixed IP and no DHCP?
Also limiting to 100mbit makes Devialet much more stable

~1.5 year ago I tried that all but it was not stable so I switched to a different solution with roon bridge and USB and then to rme HDSPe AIO Pro using AES to connect the Devialet to my Media Renderer. roon runs on a media server. Wifi works since I started to give it another chance without any problems. My impression is that with the Ethernet port of Devialet and the implementation of UdP there is something wrong - but who knows…

I got it working!!!
I took my managed switch which was out of use and exchanded the unmanaged switch with it. Then I configured the managed switch from scratch (autonegotian works now on the Devialet port - was not working before the last Firmware Update from Devialet). I set the port on the switch to the Devialet to 100 Mb. I set the configured IGMP snooping. I have listen to 30h of music now and it seems to work.