Discover loads slowly

I reopen this topic as I searched the forum for slow Discover function and this came up as only topic.

In my case the discover option is very slow. It takes around 30 seconds before I see “hidden gems” appear.
My roon core is on a intel nuc i7 and I use ios on Ipad pro 12.7, iphone XR or Ipad Mini 4.

There is no difference in performance across the Ios devices and also on Windows surface laptop it is slow.

My library counts 608 albums so I do not think that that is the problem

My network is 100 Mb/s up and download.

If this is normal behaviour would it be an idea to curate the library at night for example so that the discover function is more speedy?

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Hi Tom, i simply don’t use Discover anymore, but the issue is still there.
Where is your media library located in reference to the Roon Server?
And, do you use Qobuz/Tidal and if so, what album count?

My media library is on a synology nas ds916.
I only use tidal. I cannot find out how many albums are from tidal and how many are on the nas, but rough guess : 150 on tidal and 450 on nas

Thx Tom, if you go to the Discover page and patiently wait for it to show, then visit for example Albums view and then back again to Discover. How long does it take to view Albums, and then the Discover page the second time?

The wait the first time for discover to fully show up is 25 sec. I then go to albums without any hitch <0.5 sec. Then back to disover: around 5 seconds.

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Hi @Tom_den_Heijer,

Is this something that changed recently or has it always taken this amount of time?

I think it has recently changed. But since when exacty i am uncertain…

Thanks, @Tom_den_Heijer.

Would you kindly please do the following:

  • Reboot your Core machine
  • Launch Roon
  • Open the Overview screen
  • Make a note of how long it takes to open the screen + the time that you try to open it
  • Respond here with that time and we’ll enable diagnostics and take a look


Rebooting seemed to help. Overview and discover were now 7 seconds before I saw something. It was at 10:20 eastern time that I opened overview on my ipad pro

Thanks, @Tom_den_Heijer.

Is this slowness the same on all remote devices? If you use the Mac remote is it any quicker?

I do not have a mac remote but it is the same on my iphone xr, ipad pro and windows surface laptop. What time is to be expected for overview to open?

I thought it might be wise to provide some examples of what i see in my environment.

The prereq’s are:
Roon Server restarted recently. Allowed to start up properly, check media and set to play an un-DSP’ed RedBook (16/44.1) from local library to a networked RAAT endpoint. All audio analysis done and library maintenance performed.
From the iOS remote the server is connected and displaying the Albums view. Going through column B (Time To See Overview) to the one furthest to the right, each row is repeated 3 times and each time is noted. These three times are then averaged and given two decimals.
Then i switched Core to next row. That Core was restarted and allowed to start up properly. (In each case two restarts was required due to the annoying Metadata Improver service was halted-issue… :frowning: )

The Google spreadsheet is publicly available here.

All three Cores have copies of the same media, but the databases are individual. The album count is a few below 10K albums and the library size is about 4,5Tb. I have only Qobuz active at this time.

The times were measured using Roon app on my iPad 2018, but there are no noticeable differences when using my iPad Pro 12.9" 2020. The router is an Asus RT-AX58 and a current measure of my Internet speed shows this:

In short, this is both worse and better than previously. However, not even near the performance i had pre 1.6 Roon…

Edit: With Google Spreadsheet app you will see the comments, where each core is described in detail.

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@Tom_den_Heijer did you notice a change recently? I did, and i cant say that i see any delays more than 1,5-2seconds goint to any view today?

@dylan, has anything changed recently server-side?

Yes I have the exact same experience. Around 2 seconds right now. Great!

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