Discrepancy in album count on Roon Remote for iPad and iPhone (ref#7G2XNP)

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I notice weird and different count of my local library. Roon Remote on my iPad shows “713 of 712 albums” while Roon Remote on my iPhone shows “706 of 705 albums”. This discrepancy showed up after all of my Qobuz albums disappeared recently. (Have already submitted a ticket for that issue.)

Describe your network setup

Asus RT-AX88U router with Ethernet wired connections from to Netgeat hub with Ethernet wired connection to QNAP NAS with Ethernet wired connection to Aurelic Aries LE streamer with USB connection to NAD DAC.

This odd album count is one of the symptoms of the older issue(s) here:

Thx. Will have to check this weekend if it’s the same issue. With restoration of Qobuz I now have one extra album shown as local than the number shown by Lighening DS. Will have to confirm with a manual review of the library.

Not so sure? After the Qobuz fix, Roon Remotes on my MacBook and iPad shows the correct count of albums and tracks. The Remote on the iPhone shows 76 fewer tracks and 1 fewer album. Hopefully the Support team can address this through the ticket I had created.

I’ve verified the counts through Lightening DS as well as a music catalog application I use.

In the old case the numbers kept changing all the time, and sometimes may have been OK, too. See if it stays ok this time. Maybe they fixed more than one thing, or maybe these two issues were always related, so who knows. Let’s wait for what support has to say.

Hi @Pacoinmass,
Thanks for writing in to ask about this issue. Are you still having an issue with album count?


Thx for reaching out. Yes. I have 701 albums on my local NAS.

Room Remote tonight on both MBP and iPad shows 701 of 1116 albums.

Room Remote on my iPhone shows 698 of 1107 albums.

According to Qobuz I had 421 favorite albums and 19 favorite tracks. I just removed the 19 tracks to keep things simple.

Hey @Pacoinmass,

We’ve since patched a few issues related to Qobuz albums not populating properly. How are things looking currently?

We’ll be monitoring for your reply! :pray:

I added one album on Sunday so now showing:

702 albums locally and 416 Qobuz on the iPad; 9823 tracks locally - correct
702 albums locally and 416 Qobuz on the MBP; 9823 tracks locally - correct
696 albums locally and 413 Qobuz on the iPhone; 9747 tracks locally - incorrect.

As previously, Lightning DS counts for local albums and tracks are consistent with Roon iPad and MBP counts.

Both the local album count and perhaps the Qobuz count are wrong on the iPhone. (I still don’t know where I can find total Qobuz favorite count on their website short of manually counting so am relying tonight on what Roon is reporting.)

So it looks as if the iPhone Roon Remote count is still incorrect.

Hi @Pacoinmass,

RoonServer diagnostics from the last few days show the indexing stabilizing around 1118 total tracks in your library.

However, we haven’t inspected what the iPhone client is reporting, because our diagnostic requests have so far gone unanswered from the phone. We assume Roon is just offline or backgrounded -at your convenience, please open Roon on the affected iPhone and leave it open for at least one hour so reports can reach our servers.

Thank you!


Appreciate the follow up. Hadn’t been using the iPhone app b/c of the album count issues. Have left it on for most of this afternoon/evening (US EST).

Look forward to determining root cause.