Do power cables make a difference to sound quality?

So, what kind of right is it? A god-given right, perhaps? An inherent human right? A right made by might? One might well ask, do rights exist at all? If so, how? To what end? Can we act without affecting everyone else? Are some men islands after all?

Interesting point of view, but according to me You lose point. This is not forum about any type of rights. this is forum about Roon software and hobby which is called HiFi.
Any today is 1st April, so make a good joke…
It is better…Please try to avoid discussion about topic, which is not for here…
Any I dont understand how is affecting any body of us, person which spend thousand $ of his money on audio cable…

Power Cables do not make a difference :wink:

This can only work if one plant costs over 1K$ :rofl:

I told my wife that we need to go to the garden center tomorrow. Little does she know we will be buying HI-Fi equipment :joy:


In all seriousness, make sure that you don’t have any tomato plants, tobacco plants or pincushion cactill in the room, particularly if you’ve not great at remembering to water them. When they’re deprived of water they can start singing along to the music in the 20 to 100 kilohertz range, a particularly nasty problem if you have a highly resolving system or especially golden ears.

I disagree. If they are deprived of water. There’s no way they will be singing along, they will be dead…in all seriousness :smirk:

I said deprived, not desiccated :slight_smile:

Fair enough :grin:

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Maybe a battery pack that could be attached to cables which are temporarily disconnected so that all those hours of burn-in aren’t lost? I think existing technology could be fairly easily adapted and rebranded and you could separate enough people from their paychecks to make it worth your while.

How is it legal to advertise such a thing?

That’s the beauty of subjective language. Trying to tie them down to factual claims is like, well " like trying to nail fog to a wall" to use a local colloquism.

Given the lax regulation of some claims in alternative medicines, clamping down on audio advertising chicanery is quite likely a way down the advertising standards Todo list…

If you have a ultra high end system, perhaps they can make a sonic difference connected to power conditioner. If you are a priviliage owner of such a system, you can afford cool and great looking cables that “might” contribute to an even greater sound :slight_smile:

I dig what you’re saying, but " Able to effectively address radio-frequency (RF) noise coupled from the floor into audio and AC cables, Fog Lifter devices get your audio cables off your carpet, tile, or wood floors and significantly reduce coupling effects. You’ll hear a dramatically lower noise floor and curtail distortion in attached active circuits." sounds provably false.
You’re probably right that the ad standards folks have bigger fish to fry; I would argue that the advancement of bullsnot does harm to the general population. The more woo and BS that gets touted by “experts” and salespeople, the more people learn to accept dubious claims because of the way they are presented. That makes them more gullible and more susceptible to actual (v.s. “just” financial) harm. They’ll be more likely to accept bogus health claims (Goop) and ridiculous political conspiracies.
And that harms us all.


Preaching to the choir here :slight_smile:

Goop is a great example of the issue…


Nobody else will listen!

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Yep. Resist entropy!

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Perhaps getting your speaker cables off the floor prevents the sound transmitting through your feet before it reaches the speakers and you hear it…


Stop playing with toys - get serious :point_down:

If it just wasn’t that freakin‘ expensive :grimacing:

I can sell you some audiophile hover-slippers if you feel this is a problem for you.

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