I’ve been playing with Roon volume levelling and over the months certainly more and more Qobuz albums seem to have some form of adjustment reading for Roon to work with, but it seems very hit and miss to me. For example I was listening to Roon radio and it was mostly playing 50’s 60’s female jazz vocals, which were often reduced by 5-7db, yet along comes a modern recording, obviously much louder (as is often the case) and it only gets reduced by 2db - making it much louder than the preceding tracks? I’ve given up on it again but I just wondered is anyone else having this problem?
It’s still only track leveling, no album, and it’s too hot and varied still but seems to have improved some vs. 6 months ago when they began adding the data.
I’ve emailed support but was told they weren’t going to do any leveling but clearly they are…just not very well, yet.
Just an update for anyone following, its really weird but listening to Roon radio (silly name, I mean Roon finding tracks and playing them that sound like the one I started with!) I would swear the ‘album’ volume levelling does a better job of matching the track levels. Same with playlists, ‘auto’ or ‘track’ often has wildly varying levels. particularly old recordings against newer presumably compressed louder ones - whereas ‘Album’ levelling seems to get the job done better?
Yes that’s known and album leveling even for track playlists is the recommendation of some pro audio organization or other.
It’s probably because when you level tracks, a solo guitar piece is leveled to the same loudness as a rock band, while with album labeling the in-album difference between louder and quieter tracks is retained, which may be less jarring even in a playlist from different albums.
Track leveling works well if the tracks are similar and you do need same loudness for each track, like in a party setting
That makes sense, thought I was missing something! So basically when they say ‘album’ they mean using the Replaygain or whatever value for the entire album, whereas when they say ‘track’ they mean for the individual track?
Essentially yes