Downloading albums

Roon Core Machine


Networking Gear & Setup Details

CloudCore Router and Switches

Connected Audio Devices

PS Audio Mrk IIDAC

Number of Tracks in Library

Aboyut 70,000

Description of Issue

My library is mostly classical so when I download, I want an album (with notes, images, etc.) not just trackes. Nucleus+ has frecently allowed me to only download tracks. I’ve searched everything in settings but could not find any way to enssure that albims, not just tracks are download.

Downloaded from where?

While the number of labels that include liner notes with their downloads is increasing it is not at 100% (and it is the label not the download site that normally determines this). Even labels that include them for new releases might not do so for older releases. Good download sites, such as Presto or Qobuz, usually indicate whether liner notes are included. As an example here is the listing for Hilary Hahn at Qobuz Hilary Hahn for albums to download in True CD Quality (Lossless), 24-Bit Hi-Res; as you can see only half of the downloads include the liner notes / booklet.

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