Downloading music to ARC is slow

Yeah I actually deleted all the previous downloads and tried again. But when it’s completely offline I can’t access anything after like a day or so (not using my core). Does it become inaccessible after 24 hours or something?

Yeah I can tolerate slow download speed if I can at access my files. I put screenshots of what I was viewing in one of the threads. I have a new phone so that shouldn’t be the issue.

It might be network at home. Maybe I can try again while I visit with family to see. If it works, I’ll try it and report back.

It shouldn’t become inaccessible, it’s files we own :slight_smile: What you have sounds weird. I do have an issue though that when I’m offline for a while, or enable offline mode, many (but not all?) of the album covers get replaced with grey placeholders. And in offline mode the album cover resolution immediately drops, although good-quality covers are embedded in the files. I did report both.

However, despite this my files remain playable as far as I can tell, so that seems a different issue. Anyway, we should not derail this thread and it would be good if you open a new one in Support

I have personally never had my core become inaccessible (at least not when I could ping my router; comcast went down in my neighborhood once), but lots of folks here have experienced some version of Core inaccessibility. I’m a pretty simple set-up - Comcast, owned Linksys cable modem, Unifi UDM Pro, ROCK. I have both opened a port, and then when I started getting lots of pings on that port from Russia, Moldova, etc, (no evidence that they got anywhere, just mentioning) I went back to using L2TP VPN to operate ARC.

But if you’re having regular inaccessiblity issues, post in the “Port Forwarding” section for help - they’ve solved a lot of issues and have ISP & modem/router-specific guides at this point for a lot of use cases.

This is another one of those “neither I nor a lot of people have what you have” but also “you and a number of people have a similar sucky situation”. Good luck - I personally think ARC Is great when it’s working, and it’s been reliably workijng for me - for a while.

It is a very strange issue. Perhaps I have to test again. Cause I know the issue came up again when my core was off for a bit. Then I had change music plans. I know the downloads complete cause the checkmark would appear.

I think you said something about CG-Nat networks , perhaps that has something to do with it? I know Roon arc won’t work on those networks even with a router change (which I did).

My particular network is CG-Nat so has a lot of network layering preventing arc from working properly. The T-Mobile home internet is what I use.

CG-NAT phone networks are not great for mobile access from the outside, but they have nothing whatsoever to do with corrupted downloads that you make in the home wifi. (By the way, in the thread I linked above, Roon support offered to help with the possible CG-NAT issue because it was not hopeless, but you didn’t answer, so I don’t know the state of this. Maybe it is impossible with T-M Mobile Home or not, I don’t know)

I think I missed this. But from what I was reading I guess a VPN could be a workaround.

Yeah I thought I would solve the issue with having access offline. But sometimes it’s either not accessible or downloads get corrupted. Yeah it’s hard to tell if they are bad files until you listen. The original files work great ofcourse.

It’s not weird had it myself. I have found there is a certain order of events that lead to downloaded file not being able to be played when offline. This seems to be if it’s not had a sync back to your core for a while.

It happened to me not used arc for a while and the had updated to latest app version was in offline mode started it up not one of my downloaded files was available to play, download icon was present on the albums but tracks unavailable. I had to come out of offline mode and let it have a sync to the core, clicked into each downloaded album then they became available offline again. Others reposted this behaviour to so it’s not unique.

Look at the Tailscale thread, if you have a PC/Mac or Nas that can work really well. Also works over corporate networks to get home as well.

Even if more than one person experiences this, it’s still weird :slight_smile: They are my files, ARC only downloaded them. It shouldn’t add unsolicited DRM to them…

FWIW my ARC has not been able to see the core for 7 days either on wifi or cell (I am guessing because it’s still B111 as the B116 earlyrelease still seems to be stuck in Play Store review) and when I start ARC it tells me that I can play my downloads instead - and that works just fine (apart from the annoying issue of disappearing album covers)

I had similar experience. Looks like iOS app gets suspended and downloads just stop if the app is not in foreground and unlocked. I found though that if ARC is playing music while downloading then the restrictions do not apply. I muted the phone and left roon radio playing while on charger and about 1500 songs downloaded on wifi in about 2-3 hours without interruptions.

Yes this is when it stops downloads when the app goes into background on iOS. Which is not great on its own

On Android one can exclude an app from Battery Optimization and then it continues downloading when it goes into the background or the screen turns off

But regardless of that, the downloading ist ridiculously slow even when the app is in the foreground and is actively downloading


I tested copying 54GB / 3000 songs from laptop to ROCK server SMB share on same wifi and it took about 2 hours. So SMB is currently at least 2x faster than ARC. But I think listening to music on the phone while offline downloads complete in the background also kind of makes sense for a streaming music player app :slight_smile:

ARC is much slower at downloading for me, at least last I tried, and it’s not my wifi. I can’t try again right now because it’s not working at all, not even on wifi (being investigated)

On my wifi5 wlan with my iPhone connected with a full signal to a nearby access point with an 1G Ethernet backhaul (Roon core is on 1G Ethernet), I measure the download speed and it was consistently about 22mbps (as reported by my Unifi interface which I was monitoring simultaneously for the throughout of my iPhone). I even made sure to keep the Arc app in the foreground and disabled auto screen lock.

This is VERY slow considering the speed of my home network.

My core is on a Sonic Transporter i7 with 16GB. However, my music library is stored on a Synology NAS. I have not been able to test the performance yet by moving my library to direct attached storage. I wonder how many of us that are complaining of slow performance also have external libraries.

Note: I have been very careful setting up my LAN & WLAN and am sure they are operating optimally.

My library is on the ROCK SSD connected by ethernet and downloading in ARC is (or was, as long as I could try) simply much slower than expected compared to other downloads via wifi5 in my network

If your Synology is on a wire, its disks won’t be the bottleneck either

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Local storage here to ands it’s painfully slow. When I use PlexAmp and download is coming via a different pc and storage is on Nas yet it downloads an album in the same time ARC manages about 1-2 tracks from local storage on my ROCK core. Something fundamentally wrong in how they are approaching this side of things in ARC.

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Roon Core Machine

Sonictransporter i5

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Ethernet. Spectrum modem and router.

Connected Audio Devices

Number of Tracks in Library

Description of Issue

I have no issues when streaming local files from my core via Arc. But downloads are painfully slow most of the time or just do not work. This is even when my phone has a fast wifi or cell data connection. Please help. Iphone 14 pro max. Thanks.

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Most reports I have read do say that downloads are fairly slow.
Now I guess it depends on what you term painfully slow truly is.
How long on average for an album would you say?